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Since we've been here, Father has only been paying attention to Kabuto and not me; I wasn't the favorite anymore. He barely remembers that I'm here and forgets to tell me what to train so I've been trying to master every jutsu he has taught me so far. He and Kabuto have been working on the medical section of the hideout forbidding me from that area.

I have been staying in my room, training, or walking around in the village to enjoy the fresh air which I can't get enough of. He hasn't spoken to me in months now probably forgetting about me. Usually Father would send me out on missions gathering orphans or rouges sending them into the medical wing; hopefully making sure they are healthy. So far there have been many people that we have recruited young and old. The old were sent to live in the village to protect it's people while the children were sent to the newly built ninja academy.

In order to seem like a normal village we have taken in many families that have lost their homes during the many civil wars that have occurred after the third war. Many people come to us wishing for peace since the Land of Rice is known for the peaceful atmosphere.

"Ko!" Kabuto called as he came from the medical wing.


"Orochimaru-sama has a mission for you."

"Do you know what it is?"

"You're going with him to retrieve a child named Kimimaro Kaguya; he'll be useful to us."

"Any description?"

"His clan is known for having two dots on their forehead and white hair. His clan has the ability to control the bones in their body weaponizing them." He explained which made me shutter in disgust. Such a weird and nasty ability.

I gathered my stuff then proceeded outside only to be met by Father which made me almost smile with joy. For once we were going on a mission together, he can see how much I have improved. During our journey, Father explained that the Kaguya clan has been battling in the civil war and their numbers have been diminishing since last ninja war. As we were running, we sensed a chakra signature coming towards us. In the distance I spotted a young boy with white hair that went down to his shoulders and two dots on his forehead running towards us. He looked a few years older than me.

He ran up to as jumping in the air aiming for Father. I got in his way kicking him away from us, but he landed on his feet.

"Just a moment," Father said placing a hand on my shoulder.

Kimimaro sprinted towards us attempting to attack Father again but then suddenly stopped.

"Hasty aren't you?" Father looked down at the boy with a sinister smile. "Put your dagger away, we're not from this village. What you're seeking is just below this ridge child. Go on, have at it." Father held out his arm palm open towards the burning village beneath us.

He then ran down the ledge to the Mist village. We watched as the battle played out. All the grown Mist shinobi fighting against this lone clan. Kimimaro was surrounded fighting off and killing the experienced shinobi effortlessly.

"Why are they fighting? What is the point?" I thought.

Fires erupted from the village followed by screams and bloodshed. It was hard to maintain my composure viewing these horrid events. I knew this was what the life of a shinobi was but witnessing it was a different story. I watched as people were slaughtered, ripped away from their loved ones only to watch them die. Kimimaro's expression as he killed stunned me; no look of guilt or sympathy.

All I wanted to do was break down and cry but I knew if I did, especially in front of Father, I would be punished severely. This was what Father expects me to do eventually, I had to endure it and watch helplessly. I looked over at Father seeing him watch with amusement. I turned my focus back to the fighting observing the shinobi knowing that I had to be like them. The war continued until morning, the images burned into my mind that night making me realize Father had me come here for a reason, he wanted me to see this so I could realize I had to aspire to be like these shinobi; heartless and apathetic.

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