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"Calm down Ko he's only hard on you because he cares." I said to myself as I punched the dummy before me.

Even though he thinks that my emotions are gone, they're not. I keep them hidden whenever he's around; I don't feel them as much but they're still there. Sighing, I went into my room to rest for a while; I have been training continuously since he left. Before I could even rest, I felt a presence near the house and whoever it was, was strong.

I walked over to the door and opened it, once my eyes adjusted to the light I saw a young boy about fourteen. I had to squint my eyes to take in his appearance. He had silver hair, dark eyes, and wearing glasses.

"Who are you and state your business." I said keeping my voice calm as I stared up at the boy.

"I'm Kabuto; I'm here to join Lord Orochimaru." He answered giving me a slight smile though, it didn't reach his eyes.

"You're early, we weren't expecting you for another few days. Sadly, you just missed Lord Orochimaru. He just left and won't be back for a while. You will just have to wait until he gets back." I said.

"I see, well I have the patience."

I could tell just by this encounter he was confident and smug. His expression showed no fear at all and he wasn't lying but there was something about him. He seemed like he was clueless about something. By his eyes he was thinking about something and distant.

"I'll show you to your room. Don't try anything funny though. I don't trust easily, it will take a lot to earn it."

"Understandable." He replied stepping into my home closing the door behind it.

We walked down the halls of the house in silence. I glanced every now and then at him unsure how to interact with another kid. Father usually would talk to me and it was nothing but talk about my training or his plans. Finally, at what felt like hours we reached his room, so I opened the door leading him inside.

"Here's your room; my room is just down the hall but don't bother me. The kitchen is just down the hall if you're hungry. Tomorrow I'll come down to see what you have that Lord Orochimaru is interested in."

His reply was only a smirk then went into his room. I walked down the hallway into my own room. There was something about him he seemed confused and lost unsure of who he actually was which I assumed is what Father was interested in, that much I could see. He looked broken, an easy target for Father's manipulation. When I got into my room and laid on the bed staring up at the ceiling. This place is very boring but maybe with Kabuto here it won't be as much.

"Why does father want him anyway? What can he do for him? I know that he wants more followers for the new village but why does he need Kabuto now?" I wondered.

Orochimaru-sama has never really paid any attention to me at all. He usually just gives me instructions then leaves. I think the longest he has stayed with me would be two days but that was when the Leaf was looking for him so he needed to hideout for a few days until he could go back until the Akatsuki. Those two days were the best but worst days of my life. I got to spend time with Father but in return I had to endure his brutal training. I try my best, but nothing is ever good enough; all I want is his approval.

To my left was a picture of Father and I together when I was three. I wasn't sure who was even taking the picture. Father was holding me in his arms looking as if he was forced to just by the look on his face, but he still held a small smirk while I looked extremely happy as I looked up at him.

"I'll do anything to get him to notice me." I vowed.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was about time to eat so I got up then went into the kitchen starting to make pork for dinner. I've never cooked for two people before since Lord Orochimaru has never been home, but this will be the first. When I finished cooking, I placed two plates on the table then walked towards the direction of Kabuto's room. Once I reached his room, I knocked on the door and awaited him to open it. I heard someone coming towards the door opening it.

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