Bounty Hunters

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"What is it?" I called out when I heard a knock on my door. Kabuto opened the door letting himself in before closing it. He had a smug look on his face which made me send him a glare. "It's quite rude to enter someone's room without permission." I told him as I sat up on the bed.

"I did knock," he chuckled.

"But I never told you to come in. Now what do you want?"

"Someone's in a mood today," he commented. "I don't know who's worse, you or Sasuke."

"What do you want Kabuto?" I questioned again becoming impatient.

"I have a mission for you, I need another dead body. I prefer a male in his late twenties and if you can, I'd also like a teenaged woman."

"You're that desperate for love you need me to get you a dead girlfriend?" I commented which made him glare at me.

"Just do it smartass." He spat before exiting my room.

Once he closed my door, I got up and started to get ready. It was suppose to be my day off but of course Kabuto had a different idea. I never understood why he needed corpses, but I know he always sends me to do his dirty work. I made sure to pack plenty of weapons including Sinju unsure of who I'll run in to out there. I wasn't sure about how many towns were in the area despite being here for a few months. The Land of Earth is a big country and must have plenty of towns...I hope.

Once I was ready, I exited the hideout without saying a word to anyone. I exited the snake mouth entrance sealing it with a hand sign. I activated my eyes searching for any civilization nearby but I only saw miles of trees followed by rocks; no town. I sighed in frustration and picked a direction to run in. I wasn't risking it knowing the Rock Village was towards the East so I decided to go South.

After a few hours of traveling, I saw a figure heading towards me. I wasn't able to tell what rank they were, but it was definitely a shinobi. I decided to let them approach me hoping he will possibly meet Kabuto's expectations and save me time. He was about five miles away when I saw another figure heading towards me from the opposite direction. I was able to sense the first one now; he was a Jonin so I'm guessing the other might be as well.

The first one finally made it stopping a few yards away. I studied him determining it was a man but he wore a white mask with red paint around the eyes. I couldn't see a village insignia anywhere making me think they were rogues as well. He lunged towards me kunai in hand, but I side stepped avoiding his attack.

"That was too predictable, is this guy for real? What is he planning?"

"Ko Himura," he spoke from behind me making my instincts kick in and jumped away. "Am I correct?" He finished with a low chuckle.

"He's fast, so he was trying to psych me out."

"Who are you?" I questioned.

"A bounty hunter who wants the money hanging over your pretty little head. I'm not sure who to turn you into though, the Leaf or the Black Market?" He said pointing his kunai towards me.

"The second one is almost here, now there are two others heading our way. This is bad, I can't do this alone."

He lunged towards me again aiming a kick towards my stomach but I jumped over him landing on the ground.

"He's not even trying, he must be stalling." I thought.

His partner finally caught up instantly throwing shuriken my way but they were easily evaded. They landed next to Red giving me time to examine them too.

"She's stalling too, they all must be professional bounty hunters testing my abilities first before the others come." I thought as I looked at the second one seeing I was right about her being a woman and saw she had the same mask as the other but with blue paint around the mouth.

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