Spilled Secrets

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It has been almost two weeks since Ko had seen Kankuro. She was frustrated that it took her two weeks to extend her chakra out far enough to meet his expectations. She rushed towards the nearest hotel searching for Kankuro; he never told her where he was staying which also made her angry. Once she was close to the hotel, she activated her Subete Miru focusing only on the hotel looking for Kankuro. She scanned each floor trying to find him but she didn't see any of the sand siblings.

Thankfully, she had healed her leg herself making it easy to run towards the furthest hotel which was on the other side of the village. It did take her a little longer than she hoped since she started to wear training weights so she could work on her speed. She finally reached it and found Kankuro on the third floor. She reached the door and knocked on it twice. Temari opened the door looking at Ko with a confused face.

"What?" She questioned looking down at the girl with a stoic expression.

"Get Kankuro," Ko ordered getting straight to the point.

"W-what? What do you want with him?" Ko's request caught Temari off guard making her look over at her brother from her peripherals.

"Ugh I don't have time for this," Ko sighed as she pushed Temari out of the way letting herself in their room.


Ko walked in seeing Kankuro sleeping on the couch. Ko strode over towards his sleeping figure and pushed him onto the floor.

"Hey what was that for!" Kankuro shouted glaring up at the Himura.

"Come on Kitty, time for training!" Ko shouted back at him.

Ko heard Temari chuckle at his nick name which made her smirk. Kankuro glared at Ko then Temari as he got up from the floor.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Well you told me to search for you when I'm ready for more training and here I am. Now let's go."

"You don't order me around."

"Of course not Kitty-sensei but your sensei does." Ko said with an evil glint in her eyes.

"F-fine, let's go." He replied with a defeated sigh and collected his things. "I'll be back." He said to his siblings and left with Ko.

Since they ran, they made it to the training grounds quickly standing in the same opening as last time.

"So let's see what you have," Kankuro said leaning against a tree with his arms crossed.

Ko lifted her arm focusing on her chakra. Kankuro watched as her chakra extended from her fingers towards him attaching to his limbs.

"Alright good, now let's see if you can control a puppet." Kankuro said as he pulled a small mannequin out of his bag.

Ko gave him a questioning look and eyed the mannequin.

"It's what everyone starts out with." Kankuro explained.

He placed it on the grass and motioned for Ko to control it. Her chakra strings attached to the mannequin's limbs attempting to control it. With a flick of her index finger, she made the mannequin's arm move a few centimeters. Her blank face turned into one of frustration as she kept trying to move it but it hardly budged.

"You have trouble with your emotions don't you?" Kankuro questioned breaking Ko's concentration.

"It's the curse of being a girl. These emotions get in the way...gets me in trouble. I had them under control when I was little but, this village changes you."

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