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By the time I got close to the battle ground, explosions were booming throughout the forest. Thankfully, Kitty was already out of range once I was halfway here. I could see Sasuke battling the one Akatsuki members while the other was laying traps for him. Suddenly, the other member disappeared making me scan the area looking for him but he was completely gone. I slowed my pace just as he appeared in front of me.

"Hi!" He greeted with an enthusiastic tone taking me by surprise but I held my composure. I looked at him barley seeing anything except a cloak, an orange mask, and spiky black hair. "Tobi is a good boy!" He shouted again making me raise a brow.

"Who the hell is this guy?" I thought as he took a step forward making me take a step back.

"You have really pretty eyes! They remind me of a dragon! Oooooo I know you! You're Snake Lady!"

"Snake...Lady?" I questioned him.

"Leader-sama has told Tobi aaaaaall about Snake Lady!" He giggled placing his hands over where his mouth would be.

"How is this guy in the Akatsuki?" I wondered as I saw he wasn't on his guard at all leaving him wide open. "There's no way they'd let just anybody into the organization. It has to be an act."

To test my theory, I threw several kunai towards him which were easily deflected. He looked unfazed as if nothing had happened.

"Is Snake Lady a bad guy or good guy?" Tobi questioned which took me by surprise.

"Excuse me?"

"Tobi asked if you were good or bad. You have to listen when Tobi is talking silly." He proceeded to skip around me like a child.

I honestly didn't know the answer but as I thought of everything I've done up to this point, the bad outweighed the good.

"Uh, bad?" I answered tilting my head a bit.

"Tobi is a good boy! I wish you were good too so we could be friends!"

"What did your Leader say about me?" I questioned him ignoring his comment.

"He said we shouldn't approach you alone."

"And what are you doing now?" I questioned him which took him a few moments to understand what I said.

"Facing you alone! But Tobi isn't worried, you can't hurt Tobi!" He finished then disappeared once more.

I scanned for him again but he was nowhere in sight. By the time I saw him appear in front of me, he kicked me towards a tree then kicked again back to where I originally was.

"What kind of jutsu is he using?!" I thought as I got to my feet.

He disappeared once more but this time I saw him appear in front of me so I quickly raised my knee hitting him in the abdomen. He hunched forward in pain so I took the same leg and kicked him away from me.

"Oooow, that wasn't nice Snake Lady!" Tobi whined like a child making me scowl. He was gone once again and reappeared behind me wrapping his arms around my waist. "Don't worry Snake Lady, I forgive you."

He was starting to irritate me so I focused on my back igniting it with fire causing Tobi to scream with a more mature and deeper voice.

"So this is a persona, he must act like this so people let their guard down." I thought as I watched him drop to the ground rolling back and forth rapidly to extinguish the flames.

I could see Sasuke was still handling his own with the other Akatsuki member but he was in his cursed form which concerned me a bit. His opponent was almost out of chakra but if Sasuke was relying on his curse mark, then he must be almost at his limit also. When Tobi was finished rolling around, he sat up sniffling as if he was crying.

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