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I went to take a step forward towards my mother but Hikaru grabbed my shoulder stopping me.

"Don't go near her Ko, she can steal your life force remember?" Hikaru warned but I shrugged off his hand and took another step.

"I don't think she's being controlled." I said not looking away from her.

"What makes you say that?" Kitty questioned.

"Kabuto promised me he would bring her back and she wouldn't be manipulated." My reasoning made Kitty scoff.

"Why would he do that?" He didn't believe me which I don't blame him for.

"Because he actually likes me and we have history." I turned my head to see him roll his eyes at me. I only gave him a smirk in return.

She opened her eyes looking at her surroundings until her blood red eyes landed on us, mostly Hikaru. She looked different from the picture I saw of her but it looked like I was looking in a mirror. We had the same face, body structure, and hairstyle...well everyone has spiked hair in the clan. Her eyes widened when she saw Hikaru and stepped out of her coffin.

"Hikaru?" Her voice was low and hoarse but sounded like mine, maybe an octave higher. "Is that really you? You're so grown up!" She said with a smile. Her eyes then went to me and froze. "Is....Is that Ko?"

I started to walk closer to her feeling extremely nervous. She put her hands over her mouth looking as if she were going to cry. Suddenly, she ran towards me making me get into a defensive stance but I saw she was only going to give me a hug which I greatly accepted. She held me tightly as if I were going to disappear.

"You've grown into such a beautiful woman! Even more than I imagined." She pulled away but kept her hands on my shoulders. "Look at your hair!" She said running her right hand through my bangs. "Such beautiful eyes oh and look at that face!" Her face then did a three sixty turning sour. I felt her finger trace the scar that ran down my cheek making me flinch at the touch. I think she noticed my uneasiness and took a few steps back. "I'm sorry, I just never thought this moment would come. You must be extremely strong too! I haven't seen you since you were four. Now look at baby girl is all grown up." She said sadly. "My name is Kyoko by the way haha that would help." She said rubbing the back of her head.

"That's impossible, I would've remembered. My earliest memory was when I was four training with Father." I stated unsure if she was actually telling the truth...I was almost five at the time so maybe she was.

"He could've tampered with your memory. You just turned four when I died." She said sadly.

"Why would he make me forget you?" I felt a bit of anger towards Father for making me forget her.

"You were very attached to me Ko, you've been in my arms since you were born."

"C-can you tell me what happened that night?"

She took a deep breath and exhaled then was silent collecting her thoughts. I turned towards the boys remembering that they were there.

"Kitty, Hikaru, go get healed and rest. I'll be okay." I said waving them off.

Both boys looked at each other before looking back at me.

"We're fine right here." Kitty protested crossing his arms.

"I want to hear this too." Hikaru stated coping Kitty childishly.

"If you say so," I rolled my eyes at them before turning back towards Mother.

"Hm well I guess I'll start from the massacre. I had just gone to bed and only half asleep when I felt something bite me. I thought it was my imagination until I saw a snake come out from my covers and slither out the window." She shivered at the memory. "Snakes aren't my thing. Anyway, when I got out of bed, I felt dizzy and weak. By the time I got out of my room, my brother Sora was already out of the house."

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