That Dark Night

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Guys, This one is going to be the longest chapter written by me in this story!

Please give Extra Votes for my Extra efforts!

And when that one Dark Night finally Broke her dignity, crumbled her divinity, she decided, from now on, She will only see the brightness ahead!

Writer's pov

Trisha was crying hysterically in Vikrant's arms. And he spoke sweet nothings to ease her pain but, he was boiling inside!
He didn't know how to take away the pain of his love.

He hated that he could not protect Trisha from Abhimanyu.

After an hour of continuous crying and sobbing, Vikrant finally wiped her tears away. And Spoke -

Trisha I promise you, from today Abhimanyu will never dare to lift a finger on you! Baby, You have suffered it's his have my word!

Karma will hit him back!

But first, I have to tend to your wounds!

Trisha was too numb to say a word. Vikrant held her bridal style and went inside his bedroom. He made her sit on the bed and asked -

Do you trust me Trish?

She jerked her head to his side and frowned - What do you mean?

Trish, I am going to tend to your wounds, and it might be inappropriate in your eyes but for is my duty to take care of you.
So, tell me do you trust me?

To his relief, she nodded!

Then let me heal you! - He said

He back faced her and removed her shirt dress and gasped looking at the whip marks. Her soft milky skin was filled with purple bruises and some of them even had dried blood. Tears flowed down his eyes upon looking at his lady love.

He clenched his teeth and thought, How dare that monster give those horrible bruises to his love!
Once he had his hands on that monster, He will rip his skin apart!

He applied the ointment with utmost care and love but it could not prevent Trisha from wincing and wailing in pain. With each passing mark, he vowed he would destroy Abhimanyu!

After he was done with her, he asked her in a soft voice - Trish, baby I need to know what happened to you!
What that pathetic excuse of a man did to you?
And why?

Trisha gulped and looked in space and Vikrant sighed!

He pressed her plan assuringly and spoke - Baby speak to me!
I have a right to know!
I swear you will feel better too!

Trisha shivered remembering the humiliation and cruelty she faced with tears filled eyes but spoke -

Vikrant, you don't know how much monsterous he is! He treated me like a maid... I did not protest...i wanted my family safe....but with each passing day, things began to worsen.

You know, he made me sign a contract where he assigned Rules and Punishments for me.

He threatened to kill Bhai's unborn baby!

I was enduring every insult....every humiliation...but what he did to me three days back...he ripped my soul...he destroyed me Vik!

Even i am Ashamed of my existence because of what he did to me Vik!
You will hate me after this!

Vikrant kissed her forehead and said - Never think like that Trish!
I can never hate you...and stop demeaning yourself because of that bastard!

The Half Revenge (Complete) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora