Character Sketch

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Hello Beautiful people!

Sometimes, our lives move the way we never expected it to be.
There are hardships and miseries but do you just accept it in the name of fate or do you try to over come your hardships and make a better future for yourself?

The story is about how a teenager fights against the hardships she faced in her life!
And how she is not ok to accept the abuse and just bow down infront of her tormentor.
This is not the your normal story where a girl is tormented and then after a while when she discovered the sides of her tormentor, she melts down and give him so called the second chance!

I am not saying giving someone a second chance is not good but what I am saying is that you should be sure that you want to give a second chance to that same person who tormented you for so long and suddenly they show that they have changed.

One must think about themselves before others!

After all when you are in a sinking ship, they say safeguard yourself first if you want to help others!

P. S.
If you think going back to a sick tormentor of a man is how you see a Happy Ending, then this story is not a Happy Ending for you!
But if you feel, a girl rising up after going through a bad relationship is her Happy Ending, then read on!
Won't disappoint you!

Now, let introduce you all the main characters of the Story!

Abhimanyu Roy Kapoor : 26 years old, a very popular Politician and Hotelier all across India. He has returned from Boston after completing his Management course and has followed the foot steps of his late father, Mr. Sanjay Roy Kapoor. He believes in power and respect. He runs many five star Hotels all across India. He is extremely gorgeous and charming but he hates the concept of Love. For him, his family Honour is at the top priority.

Manyata Roy Kapoor : 23 years old Younger sister of Abhimanyu Roy Kapoor. She is a very polite and soulful woman. She does not approve of social norms of discrimination. She loves her brother but does not agree with his coldness towards Love. She fell in love in with a guy, who is not only enemies with Abhimanyu but also belongs to a different status.

Mrs. Arundhati Roy Kapoor : Garndmother to both Abhimanyu and Manyata. She has raised her grandkids after the demise of his only son and daughter-in-law. Both the kids adore her and she is the heart of the family. She is not only a practicing Zamindar but also is worshipped in many surrounding villages in the state of Punjab.

Dhruv Nitin Chaudhary : 25 years old handsome young Business man, who is an orphan, besides his only little sister. He evolved gracefully from all his past hardships and studied event management from the top college in India. He was no rich spoilt brat but a man made by himself. During his college days, He fell in love with Manyata, the sister of his prime enemy. But for him Love conquers all. So both of them decided to elope.

Trisha Chaudhary : A celestial Beauty, Barely 18 years old , who had to go to boarding school in her early ages because of her family crisis. She loves his brother and her only family, Dhruv can do anything for her happiness. She is a very innocent, love deprived teenager who is mature for her age and longs for true love. She is the dream of every boy. She is currently completing her mass communication from Bangalore.

Vikrant Singh Chauhan : 20 years old, a Royal descendant of Maharaj Vijay Singh Chauhan. He is friends with Trisha Chaudhary and has a soft corner for her. He is very powerful but lives with simple philosophy.

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