This Is Not Happily Ever After

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Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary gives us a fairytale but it is not always the Happily Ever After!

Writer's pov

At the Kapoor Mansion

Arundhati Roy Kapoor was sitting like a queen in her mahagony armchair. She was a woman of power and principles. But right now, her forehead was filled with sweatbeads.

With her, in the living room was, Manyata and Dhruv, who were hell worried about the next step Abhimanyu was determined to take.
When They reached the mansion he ws not there and the staff did not know where he was and alarmed them all.

Manyata had called her Grandma to sort things out for them. She was the only one who could stop Abhimanyu.
Manyata was feeling guilty that because of her, an innocent soul was trapped!

Dhruv spoke - Grandma, I want my sister back and safe. You know, I will move mountains if anything happened to her!
Abhimanyu is wrong!

And what you both did, is right? - she snapped

Grandma, please try to understand, we did not mean to hurt him. He knew about my feelings for Dhruv but he never accepted...We loved each other and my situation was vulnerable...that's why we eloped and got married. But I never for once, meant to hurt his pride.... I was going to come back in a ew days. - Manyata tried to reason

Manyata! You were aware.... That he was not going to accept your relationship.... You could have just talked to me. I would have done something.... But look now...because of You two... There is another soul involved who is innocent, has been subjected to his wrath. I just hope he doesn't do anything stupid like you two.! - Arundhati said in her deep voice

We know what we did was not the right way to handle the situation and I am sorry for that....But dragging my sister in this mess is not right! - Dhruv yelled

Calm down young man! - Arundhati said

She further added - I called him so many times..... But he is not picking up...that's very unlikely of him...I am afraid he is going to do something in haste and that would be hazardous!
Let's just pray for your sister's well being!

For the first time in her life, she was not able to predict what was Abhimanyu capable to do.

The girl in question was a minor after all!

A powerful roar of an engine was heard followed by the sudden break.
They all knew, it had to be the great Abhimanyu Roy Kapoor!

In A few seconds, there stood the handsome hunk....wearing a crisp armani suit.... He had a flower garland in his hand. His face showed danger. He was surrounded by his gunmen.

Abhimanyu! You are here! What is all this, I am hearing....what on earth is going on with your brain? - his grandma shouted

Oh! I see, you are here Grandma! Impressive Dhruv! - he smirked

Abhimanyu, just tell me, what did you do to my sister! - Dhruv shouted

But Abhimanyu ignored him.

Well! Grandma...i Have a good news for you! - he said smirking

Then, I do not have a good feeling about this good news Abhi!
What did you do? - Arundhati said sternly

Oh grandma! Don't be so negative, I have got something for you that you wanted since long time! - Abhimanyu said sarcasm filled in his words

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