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-Harry's POV-

"Look Lou, we're on the news!" I yell, turning up the volume on the TV vigorously.

"What?" Louis yells, running out our bedroom with a towel around his waist, a towel wrapped around his head, and his toothbrush in hand. 

"We're on the news, people are going mad about us coming out," I tell him, laughing at him brushing his teeth and trying not to mess up the face mask he has on. 

"Of course they are, no one was expecting-- nope, that's a lie. I'm sure 90% of the world saw it coming, but it's still big news considering Modest! has worked so hard to keep a straight image for this band."

As he finished his sentence, a video of our big New Year's kiss started playing on the TV with a blonde woman talking about the public's reaction to the news. 

"Now for some tweets supporting Louis and Harry's coming out!" She announces, then reads some of the tweets out loud.

@camilacabello97: Congrats to Louis and Harry on finally coming out to the public, stay fabulous! #LarryIsReal #IKnewIt 

@NiallOfficial: Congratulations to my best mates Louis and Harry on coming out, we always knew you could do it! Love you lads loads and wish you the best!

@ddlovato: So glad to here that Louis and Harry have worked up the courage to come out, and on New Year's too! Starting off the new year with a bang! You go boys! #LoveIsLove

Then she went on to read some fan tweets, some good and some bad, but that's to be expected. When it comes down to it though, there were more people supporting our decision than people who didn't.

"It's pretty cool that so many people are talking about this, I mean we're starting a discussion that could lead to great things in the LGBTQ world," Louis says, his words coming out as a mumble, as he still has a mouth full of toothpaste.

"Yeah, hopefully we inspire others to come out as well!" I say, then laugh at the sight of Louis and continue, "Go finish getting ready, love, we have a party to prepare for."

"Right," He nods, and walks back to our bedroom to finish getting ready for the day.

We are throwing a party today to celebrate our coming out, and just have a day with our family and friends before we have to leave for our 2015 On The Road Again tour. 3 hours till the party starts, and we have a lot to do.

-Liam's POV-

We're all so happy for Louis and Harry, especially after all the stuff they went through last year with breaking up and Sophia being a crazy bitch, so we all can't wait to get over to their flat and celebrate their great success.

But that's not the only reason I'm excited to go...

"Love, are you almost ready?" Danielle asks me from the door of my room, watching me put my shoes on. 

"Yeah, how about you go out and start the car for me and I'll be out in a minute?" I suggest.

"Alright, but hurry up, we have to be there by 5 and Louis will have our heads if we're late!" She giggles, grabbing her clutch bag, jacket, and my car keys then exiting the apartment.

I nod, trying not to seem nervous. Why am I nervous you ask? I have big plans for today, plans that could potentially change mine and Danielle's life forever. Yup, you guessed it! I'm proposing to Dani, and I'm absolutely shitting myself with fear. We were together for 3 years, and then I fucked up majorly by cheating on her with Sophia AKA the crazy bitch who tried to kill my best friend and ruin his relationship. She forgave me last year and we got back together, but we've only been back together for about 9 months since then and I'm afriad she may not be ready to take the next step with me after what I've put her through. 

My cell phone beeped with a text message from Dani telling me to hurry the hell up, so I pulled my jacket on quickly and pulled out the box with the engagement ring in it from my locked bedside table. Opening the box, I check for damage and smile thinking about our future together, then shove the box into my pocket and run out the door. 

We arrive shortly after, and make our way inside.

"Oi! Took you long enough to get here!" Niall yells as we walk in the door, waving me over to him. Danielle goes off to find Eleanor, so I go over to Niall and Zayn.

"You ready to do this?" Zayn whispers to me, speaking of the proposal that is set to happen during dinner. 

"No, I'm fucking terrified," I tell them, shaking out my sweating palms.

"Don't worry man, she'll say yes!"

"What if she doesn't? We've only been back together for 9 months."

"But you were together for 3 years before that, and plus, I've never seen you two more in love than you are now," Niall says, making a good point.

"Yeah, but--"

"No 'but's! She'll say yes!" Harry walks up with Louis, the two holding hands lovingly. 

"Keep it down, lads! I don't want her to find out before I get the chance to ask!" I scold them, looking around for Danielle but not seeing her in the living room. 

They all say 'sorry' in unison, laughing and trying to loosen me up. 

"How's life out of the closet?" Niall asks Louis and Harry, taking a swig of beer with a chuckle. 

"About the same as it was in the closet, except everyone knows we like dick and management hates us even more than before," Louis answers with his middle finger up, trying to keep a smile from overtaking his face. 

We all conversed for about an hour before Louis and Harry decided it was time for dinner, and my proposal to my beautiful girlfriend, so we all made our way outside on the balcony where the dinning room table was set up with a load of delicious food sitting on top of it. 

"So, how's your relationship with Liam going, Danielle?" Perrie asks, taking a spoonful of soup into her mouth. 

"Wonderful, it honestly feels like it never ended," She answers, smiling at me and entwining our fingers under the table. 

"And you, Liam?" Eleanor asks me, smiling at me and nodding towards Danielle as inconspicuosly as possible.

"Our relationship was one filled with lies and cheating on my part, and too much trust and forgiveness on Danielle's part. We were together for 3 years, 3 wonderful years that I managed to flush down the toilet all by myself. We were apart for a little under a year, and I think we both thought we were done for good," I pause, looking at Danielle and seeing a little pain hidden behind her dark eyes, "But as if by destiny, Louis and Harry's relationship going haywire brought us back together. At first, we could hardly stand looking at each other, but slowly, we grew closer than we ever thought possible. And 9 months ago, Dani finally gained back her trust for me and gave our relationship another chance."

"It surprised me as well," Dani laughed, squeezing my hand.

"I thought Sophia made me happy, but it's painfully obvious to me now that what me and Sophia had was nothing close to the love that myself and Danielle have always shared. I couldn't see myself being with anyone else," I stand up from my chair, and kneel on one knee, pulling out the ring box and holding it out in front of her, "And that's why I'm here to ask you, Danielle Claire Peazer, if you will do me the incredible favor of becoming my wife?"

She stares at me in shock, tears filling her eyes. She looks over at Eleanor and Perrie, then around the table at the rest of our family and friends, watching them and nod their head with encouragement and excitement.

"Yes, absolutely, I'll marry you any day!" She squeals, throwing her arms around me.

I stand, putting my arms around her waist and swinging her around, laughing as everyone in the room whoops and hollers at us. When we disconnect, I kiss her and slip the ring on her finger.

"We're so happy for the two of you! Now we can be married together!" Perrie says, running over to Danielle and shaking her shoulders.

"Yes! You're right, we can do a double wedding now!" Danielle squeals again, jumping up and down with Perrie and embracing each other.

Zayn and I look at each other in dismay, knowing that the months ahead would be filled with wedding planning.

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