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-Louis' POV-

A knock on the door of Harry and I's flat startled me, but I quickly got up to open the door knowing it would be Zayn and Perrie. 

"Took you long enough," I say, breathing hard. 

I've been breathing hard since I got off the phone with Zayn, feeling as if my whole world is crashing down on me. I keep telling myself that Harry is fine and that he'll walk through the door any minute, pissed off, but alive and well, yet something inside of me is telling me that something is very wrong. 

"Sorry, mate," He apologizes, pulling me into a comforting hug. 

"You've called Niall and Liam?" 

"Yeah, they haven't seen him and they're on their way," He says, releasing me and pulling Perrie into his side.

"How're things?" I ask, trying to change the subject.

Though I need to think about more positive things, I really do care about how things are between Zayn and Perrie. After all, they are engaged, or were.

"Fine, we're working things out, but we're good," Perrie says, relief written all over her fair face.

"I'm glad to hear that."

The door swings open, Niall and Liam stumbling in as quickly as they can without falling over.

"Where do you think he could be, Louis?" Liam asks.

"I have no idea."

"Have you called the Police?" Niall replies.

"It won't do any good, they can't do anything unless he's been missing for more than 48 hours and he's only been missing for about 2 hours," I say, my heart aching as I soak up the fact that this is my doing and I can't do anything but try to fix my fuck up.

"Where's Sophia?" Perrie asks, a cold tone in her voice.

"I haven't got a clue, but what does it matter?" Liam answers, ignoring Perrie tone and angery glare. 

What's Perrie thinking, and what does she have against Sophia? I thought they were like best friends... I puzzle. And before I can ponder any long, words come flooding out a million miles a minute.

"Sophia has Harry, she's been planning on ruining Louis and Harry's relationship for months, with Hannah." She says, looking around at us, all of our faces at attention at this confusing news, "At her birthday party she planned on taking Louis and Harry's phones and tweeting a confession that Larry is real, but I interferred before they succeeded, so they had to think of something else. Harry going missing is no coincidence."

Everyone is shocked, all except Zayn. 

"She's right, Sophia has been working against us this entire time," He backs her up. 

"Are you insane? That's my girlfriend you're accusing of kidnapping. Why would Sophia have any reason to do any of that? She loves all of us!" Liam stutters, clearly outraged by this news. 

"She doesn't love Louis and Harry. She hates gay people, her mission in life is to turn them all straight. She told me herself, Eleanor and Danielle can vouch for me!" Perrie explains. 

"What? Eleanor and Danielle? Do you hear yourself right now?"

"It's true, why would I lie about something like this? Harry is missing and we have no idea where he is. We don't have time to argue about this, it's true."

"You haven't got any proof of it, so why would I believe that my girlfriend is this homophobic maniac that kidnapps people? This is crazy."

Zayn steps up, hoping to talk some sense into his best friend, "Liam, do you trust me?"

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