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-Harry's POV- 

After I gained full conciousness, Sophia left, not even telling Hannah where she was going. Now she's back, and she has come with a duffle bag of things. 

"I come barring gifts," Sophia says, setting the bag on a near by table.

"You took forever, where did you go?" Hannah asks, worry written all over her face. And rightfully so because they are both committing a crime by having me here. Not only have they kidnapped me, but they have assaulted me countless times as well. 

"To get a few toys." 

Sophia then unzipped the bag, dumping out the content in the bag. Hannah and Sophia are covering the items with their bodies so I can't see, but I hear the sound the items made while hitting the table. It was the sound of metal on metal, umoung other threatening noises. 

"Ready for round 2?" Sophia asks me, turning around with a small knife with serrated edges in her hand. 

My eyes widen, panic setting in the pit of my stomach. She comes over to me, standing right in front of me. She brings the knife to my face, tracing my facial features lightly, careful not to actually cut me.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I choke up, forcing my tears not to fall.

"Shut up, faggot!" Sophia yells, slashing a rough cut on my right cheek. Blood drips down my face, falling on my clothes and the cement floor under me. 

"I don't understand, I thought you were my friend? I never did anything to you to deserve this." 

"Oh you didn't do anything to me, but you've disrespected the lord. The bible says it is a sin for a man to lay with another man, and you made the decision to disregard his words."

"I didn't decide to be this way! If I had the choice, I would've chose to be straight! It would be easier that way."

"Liar!" Sophia slashes at the other side of my face, leaving another gash. 

The blood from both sides of my face drips onto my lips. I can taste the iron in my blood, and the sweat running down my face from the fear. Then, I can taste the salt from my tears, because I finally let them free fall. 

"Stop crying, bitch," Hannah says, walking away from the table of torture, BBQing pitch fork in hand. 

I laughed a confused laugh, "What did I do to you? Fuck your brother?" 

"My boyfriend actually."

Boyfriend? Louis? Oh shit. I pieced together, suddenly regretting my words. 

"Fuck!" I yell as she runs the pitch fork down my chest, the point ripping into my flesh in 3 clean, long lines ending at my navel. 

Where are my clothes? How long have I been naked? I think, very aware of every breeze hitting my skin. 

"We had some fun while you were out," Sophia smiles wickedly, her eyes scanning my body and sending a very uncomfortable shiver up my spine. 

And then it hit me:

They raped me. While I was drugged up, they undressed me and took complete advantage of me. And now they're torturing me with actual weapons. I don't know what i'm more upset about; the raping, the torture, or the betrayal? 

"You're monsters, both of you!" I scream at them, releasing my anger.

"Says the queer!" Sophia spat.

"Even if i'm gay, i'm a better person than both of you!"

"You're a sinner, you will rot in hell with Lucifer."

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