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-Liam's POV-

I sit with Louis in the waiting room of the hospital, Danielle's fingers entwined with my own. I grip her tightly as I watch Louis, his eyes dead with pain as he tries to come to grips with the fact that the man he loves may or may not be gone forever. Louis, Danielle, and I have been waiting in the ICU waiting room for 8 hours now, impatiently waiting for the doctors and nurses to inform us of whether or not Harry is still alive and if he's alright. 

Shaking my hand from Danielle's, I get up and say to her and Louis, "I'm going to the cafeteria, do you guys want anything?" 

They both shake their heads, so I walk off, my worries clouding my thoughts. Once I reach the cafeteria, I grab 3 sandwich's and 3 bottles of water and get in line to check out. There are 2 old nurses ahead of me, I smile at them and they set their stuff down to pay. 

"That lad is pretty beat up; 4 shots to the torso, multiple stab wounds, the works. He's barely holding on," One of the nurses say and my ears perk up, knowing they are talking about my best friend. 

"The doctors aren't sure he's going to make it, he's lost a lot of blood. And even if he does survive, chances are he'll have horrible PTSD or severe Anxiety and Depression, maybe both," The other reply's shaking her head, a frown on her chubby face. 

"Excuse me, you're talking about my friend, would you happen to know when they'll let me and my friends in to visit with him?" 

The first woman replies, "You can visit him any time now, but he hasn't been conscious for hours."

"Thank you ladies. I appreciate it." 

I pay for the food quickly and begin to walk away, when a hand grabs my bicep and stops me from leaving. 

"If you ask me, I think your friend will be just fine. Have faith love, it's not his time yet." 

My eyes water up at her kind words, and I nod my head. She smiles and walks back to the other nurse, and I do the same, walking back to my friends to wait for word on Harry's condition and the consequences of Sophia and Hannah's actions. 

-Louis' POV-

I don't eat the sandwich Liam brought me, I just set it aside and watch the doors to the ICU intently. I want Harry to come running through those doors, not a scratch on his body, but with the injuries I saw, that's unlikely. There's probably not much chance of Harry even being alive, and that is a hard truth to swallow. 

"You should eat Louis, you haven't eaten in at least 12 hours," Liam urges me, pushing the sandwich towards me. 

"I'm not hungry."

"You can't starve yourself anymore Louis, Harry wouldn't want that."


"Stop talking about him like he's already dead!" I hiss, getting up and beginning to walk away.

"Excuse me, who's here for Harry?" A doctor comes through the doors of the ICU, stopping me dead in my tracks, looking at a clipboard in his hand. 


"You can visit him now if you'd like? I know it's early in the morning so you can come back in a few hours--" 

"Now. I'll see him now," I cut him off, following quick on his heels as he leads me and the others to Harry's room. 

We go down several long corridors. Bright lights blind me. Chemicals smell so strongly they slap me in the face. Babies cry, families weep. This place is terrifying. No one deserves to end up in this place, not in the bed or on the other side of the door. Especially not Harry, Harry deserves so much better than this. 

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