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-Perrie's POV-

My eyes open and I momentarily forget where I am until I look around and see the bodies of my friends scattered around the front room, hanging off the couch and spread out on the floor, their breathes steady as they continued to sleep. Getting up, scooting my way out of Zayn's arms and hopping around the limbs on the floor, I find my phone plugged into an outlet in Louis and Harry's kitchen. The bright light blinds me but I find that it's only 4 a.m. right now.

Should I do it? I think, looking at Danielle's contact information, then looking back at Liam, who is cuddled up next to Louis.

I shake my head, knowing how upset Liam would be.

Eleanor. I'll call Eleanor and she can bring Danielle with her, then it won't be all my fault. I decide, finding Eleanor's number and walking off to the bathroom to make my call.

"Hello?" Eleanor says, her voice groggy.

"Eleanor! I need your help!" I whisper yell, glad she picked up the phone.

"You do realize it is 4 a.m. at the moment, right? This couldn't have waited a few hours?" She questioned, obviously irritated.

"No, it's about Harry."

"Have you found him?"

"No, but I know who has taken him," I say, knowing how crazy I probably sound at 4 in the morning. 

"Perrie, we don't know if he's been kidnapped, he could've just ran away and stayed with a friend for the night."

"Harry wouldn't do that to Louis, you know that."

"Perrie, c'mon--"

"Shut up and listen, would you? This is serious!" I snap, hearing her breathing on the other end as she pondered hanging up, I'm sure. 

"Go on," She said.

I hear her get up from her bed, putting the phone on speaker. 

"Sophia and Hannah took him, I'm sure of it."

"Do you have proof of that?" Eleanor asks. 

"Sophia is the only one out of all of us who aren't here to support Louis other than you and Danielle," I start, "Isn't that just a bit suspicious?" 

"But she's told everyone that she's going out of town."

"You and I both know that's a big fat lie."

"Yeah, but what are we going to do? We don't know where she's keeping him and she definitely won't tell us," She points out.

That's true, but i'm sure we can find a way. I think, deciding there is only one way to find her.

I tell Eleanor about my outburst to Liam last night and she laughs out loud.

"Liam will never believe us! He loves her too much and she has him brainwashed," She laughs.

"No, but he might believe Danielle. I told him the two of you could vouch for me, and it only angered him to hear Danielle has been involved. I think she could do it though, I have faith in her."

"Have you gone absolutely mad? She's his ex! There's no way he'll take her word over Sophia's."

"Trust me, he will," I say, standing my ground.

"So what, you want me to just bring Danielle into Louis' flat and not only convince Liam but everyone else in the group that Sophia, Liam's girlfriend, and Hannah, Louis' ex-girlfriend, kidnapped Harry, Louis' boyfriend?"

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