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-Zayn's POV-

 "I'll be back in a bit, i'm going to the market!" Perrie yells from the kitchen, walking out and pulling on her jacket.

"Alright, babe."

"Love ya!"

"Love ya."

She leans down to where i'm sitting on the sofa in our flat, pecking me on the cheek quickly before heading out.

What to do... Ah! I'll call Harry. I think to myself, pulling my phone from my back pocket.

"Hello?" A voice that doesn't belong to Harry answers.


"What the hell do you want, Zayn?" He quips outs.

"What the fuck is your problem, mate?" I snap, heat rising up in my chest.

I've had it up to here with Louis and his fucking attitude. I swear he has no filter, not even to his best friends.

"Harry's fucking cheating on me."

"What? No he's not, he would never do that."

"Yes he is! With that twat Nick Grimshaw!" He yells, growling at the sound of the mans name.

"Louis, for the last time, Grimmy just a friend!" I say, trying to keep calm.

"How can I be so sure?" He asks, suddenly very solemn.

"You just have to trust that Harry would never do that to you. He loves you, man--" I'm cut off as my phone beeps to show another line calling.

"Hold on, i've got someone else on the line, let me call you back."

"Alright, hurry up, will ya?" Louis asks, gently for a change.


I hang up and answer the other line, unknown caller.

"Hello?" I answer curiously.

I usually don't answer unknown calls to avoid any fans getting ahold of my number, but I couldn't help myself from picking up, being as bored as I was.

"I didn't want to make this call but I had no choice."

"Who is this?"

"It's about Perrie..." Someone, a woman, says, trailing off. 

My curiosity once again overcomes me.

"Go on."

"Well, last year before you two got engaged, Perrie did something pretty bad."



Fucking hell, can you tell me already!?

"She... cheated on you."

"What?" I laugh.

"I'm serious, Zayn. I wouldn't lie to you."

"Perrie would never cheat on me." I say, starting to wonder if that was really the case, "I dont' even know who you are, so why should I trust you?"

"I wish that was true. If you don't believe me, just ask her. I'm sorry," And she hung up, leaving me puzzled and worried.

Perrie walks in at this very moment, a happy smile on her face. She comes over to me, leaning down to kiss me, but I dodge it coldly.

"Did you cheat on me?" The words slip out.

The color drains from her face instantly, and my heart drops out of my chest. In seconds, I am in our bedroom with the door locked and tears are spilling down my face.

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