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-Louis' POV-

"Louis, please answer," Harry's voice says through the voice mail system, beeping to end the current message and start the next one.

Harry hasn't stopped calling since yesterday night; but granted, I haven't answered a single one of his calls either. I'm not mad at Harry though, the anger is more towards myself. I caused all of this; if I hadn't been selfish when I was still with Harry, all of this would have been just a stupid nightmare.

But now it's a cruel reality...

"Lou, stop ignoring my calls. I need to know you're okay. I know you probably think I don't love you anymore, that I don't care. But that's not true, Louis. I said everything I needed to say yesterday; now it's your turn. Please call me back," Harry says, his voice cracking a bit at the end.

What the hell does he mean!? I've said everything worth saying, there is nothing left to say. 

I go through and delete all of Harry's voice messages, even the ones I have yet to listen to; there is at least 100 messages from Harry-- at the least-- and I have only had the sanity to listen to a couple of them. I set my phone down, but it rings again.

I almost ignore it, but then I read the name.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hi, Louis! How are you?" Sophia's smooth voice says through the reciever.

"I'm good, I guess... and yourself?"

"Great! I actually called you to invite you to my birthday party, it's tomorrow."

"Is Harry going to be there?"

"I don't know yet, I was going to call him right after I called you. I can let you know after though?"

"Yeah, that'd be great," I say after a moment.

Am I asking because I want Harry to be there, or because I don't want him to be? I honestly don't know.

"So you'll be there?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Oh yay! It'll be fun, don't worry!" Sophia cheered.

"Alright, love. See you tomorrow then?" 

"Yes! It starts at 3 pm, okay? Don't be late, youhear?"

"I won't, bye," I chuckle at her excitement. 

Sitting back, I smile to myself. 

Maybe being positive about this whole mess will give me an idea as to what the hell Harry is talking about.

-Harry's POV-

"Hello?" I say through the reciever of my cell phone.

"Hello! How's it going, babe?" Sophia says cheerily.

"Good," I lie.

Louis won't answer any of my calls and i'm starting to get worried about him. He is already self harming, starving himself, and tried to commit suicide once before; I couldn't live with myself if he tried again and succeeded, all because of me. And since he won't answer any of my calls, I have no idea if he is okay.

"Wonderful! Well, I don't know if you know; but my birthday is tomorrow?"

"Is it? Happy early birthday!"

"Thank you, but you don't have to say that now because i'm having a little get together tomorrow to celebrate!"

"And... you want me to come?" I say.

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