Chapter 59: The wandering scholar

Start from the beginning

"I-I don't know... it's been so long... where did this come from?" She asked.

"Dawn here claims to have learned basic demon runes from him." Sarah stated.

The queen stared at Dawn violently and the werewolf did her best to keep up her tough attitude.

"The last known location of the fairy was somewhere in the mountains that separates the demon realm from unknown territories. They had a camp there, you can't miss it." She answered.

Sarah thanked her and we left.

We decided that it would be a good idea to take Isabel along because we were going into the mountains. The lamia happily obliged.

Despite much protest Sarah staid behind in order to take care of Loki. It seemed that the instinct suppressing aspects of the chosen spell was weakening around Sarah for the time being. She was being a lot more clingy than she usually was and leaving her to go to the mountains made me feel awful, but there was no way I was about to take a newborn into a place where the order had no issue patrolling in.

As we traveled Isabel had her tail wrapped around my arm. The lamia continued to nervously glance towards me before looking away blushing. After what felt like hours, Isabel stopped and yanked me back.

"The ground here is unnaturally moist, it's not like something from the cold nights or groundwater. I can feel the water under me and it's the perfect environment for just about anything a human would need to survive." She said.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Because my entire bottom half is a sensitive mass of scales that act as both hands and feet with the amount of control and feeling I have." She answered.

Dawn chuckled. "Y/N if you think this is cool we should go camping some time, how about next full moon? I can give you the real werewolf husband experience."

"I'll think about it." I said.

"Whether you want it or not, if you say know I'll drag you there after the war is over." Dawn stated.

I nodded.

Dawn's ears suddenly twitched and she pointed towards a bush. I approached the bush slowly and shot my hand into it and felt a warm object roughly the size of a paintbrush. I lifted my hand up and a small body appeared out of the bushes.

"P-p-put me down!" She shouted.

Dawn walked to my side and looked at the small fairy who seemed to calm down upon seeing her.

"Wait... I remember you. The old man and I were checking on the captured monsters... you didn't see me but I definitely saw you. He was impressed by how quickly you used the runes to communicate." The Leanan Sidhe said.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"Why do you want to know?" She replied defensively.

"I'm going to let you go, but please don't fly away I have to show you something." I said.

I released her and she drifted to the ground and crossed her legs. I pulled the encyclopedia from my bag and laid it on the ground next to her. Upon seeing the cover her eyes immediately lit up and she quickly began to flip through the pages with childlike delight.

"I remember painting these pictures! It's been so long I thought I wouldn't ever see it again!" She cried.

"We need the scholar to help us translate, we don't have time to completely reread through the book and translate. Every minute wasted is another minute the order is in control." I replied.

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