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Our footsteps are the only thing heard between us as we walk through the snow, the crunch welcomed. Her breaths are heavy as we walk, I can tell she is used to driving herself around but come to find out her dad stripped her of everything. Like mine.

I kept to myself wrapping my frail arms around my body trying to save some form of warmth, but nothing in me wanted to be warm for some reason. Every bone, muscles, and breath is cold so I ended up just giving up.

"Tan, is that..." She sucks in a breath looking at my apartment, more specifically the car in front of my apartment.

Tears start to form as we get closer, my steps getting shorter, and the cold being more welcomed. I would much rather deal with this pain than his pain. Valerian pales at my response slowing her steps too almost to the point that we were stopped all together.

"Tan look at me," Valerian turns my head with her palm in such a gentle way I almost break down right there, "We don't have to go to your home. It obviously isn't much of a home anymore..." She mutters turning to stare at the parked vehicle.

Nodding my head slowly I go to turn around and leave leading us to safety, but the booming voice of my personal hell resonates through the air, "Sultana Wild. What on earth do you think you are doing?"

His voice is like a venom seeping through my body paralyzing me to stand, waiting for the final blow of death. I wish I had a final blow. I wish that Raphael came and stole me away to some new pain maybe it would be better? Maybe it would be better to not know what to expect? I turn to Vale motioning for her to leave to which she shakes her head almost immediately, "I left you before, I am not leaving you now."

"I know you can hear me bitch. Turn around. You and the faggot." Oh shit.

All the rich people talk, and apparently her dad talked about all the wrong things. I look over to Vale watching her eyes gather tears as well realizing how unaccepted she is in a circle that she grew up in. She has to start over, and that kind of pain hurts.

We both turn around together watching my father inch his finger making us walk towards him. Who knows what kinds of tricks his rich ass has up his sleeve to make sure I do his bidding? When we are about three feet away we stop and make eye contact with him waiting for him to speak.

"I am actually glad the cunt came running to you because this is information for both of the disgraces in this town." Father steps forward standing in the middle placing each of his hands on one of our shoulders gripping it tightly, "Now Ms. Lesbian your father and I talked and we felt it would be best to... relocate you."

Valerian moves her left hand over her mouth to contain her sob trying to keep a composed look like all of us women are trained as young children to do, but my father catches it.

"Do you really feel you have the right to cry bitch? That you didn't bring this to yourself when you chose to love a woman? You made your decision and your father made his. Now suck it up and get ready to be isolated from anyone you love till you are fixed from your mental issue." Father tightens his hold on us pressing his thumb right under our collar bones making our knees buckle as we fall to the ground. No one is here to save us from this minor pain, and no one is here to save us from anything at all.

"Now for you my disgrace," He turns and spits on my face watching me keep a calm composer. I am simply waiting for him to be done, "You must start getting your stuff together from this rat hole. I will be back in three days' time to retrieve you."

He releases us but we stay kneeled looking down at the ground waiting for our instructions from devil himself.

"You two are to drop out of college, stay here until your father and I come to retrieve you. Because I care that you make a few more days I provided groceries and paid your rent. You should be grateful." He spats putting the steel toe tip of his boot on my fingers I left sitting on the ground. This is my fault I deserve this.

"I am grateful. Thank you Father." I speak clearly looking over at Vale who has tears running down her face. Welcome to my world honey.

My father nods moving his foot to her hand and presses down to where the ends of her fingertips are white, I wish I could help her but he would make this so much worse.

"Now faggot, what do you say to me." He growls looking down at her wrapping his hand through her hair and forcing her to look up at him watching the tears falling down her face, "What do you say to me?"

"Th-Thank you sir. I am grateful."

"You better fucking me. Now go inside. I can't look at you two anymore and Sultana, you better not let this clit-licker touch you." With that he drives away, leaving us to deal with the snow.

As he turns around the corner, I watch Vale fall into the snow pulling her hand to her chest crying yelling out for help. She prays to every deity she can think of yelling out their name and a personal promise to do better if they could help her.

"Put your hand in the snow." I mumble trying to comfort but I have no idea how.

She tries to suck in her tears and wails listening to me as she shoves her hand deep in the snow. I compact ice above it and watch her slowly begin to relax, "He broke your finger, I'll have to reset it then let you wear a brace I have."

She nods crying silently now. Her mind is still processing what just happened to her and how this is going to become her new norm if I can't get her away from here.

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