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He has to drag my body from the tub, I can't even feel my toes to move them if I wanted to. He makes it clear that he doesn't mind whispering sweet nothings to me like, "You need food, this is unacceptable that you feel like a feather in my arms."


"The salts are affecting you more than I expected.  Let's get you to sleep."

My naked body drips water all over his floor, my head slack against his arm. I focus on breathing my lungs filling with the warm air over and over again. It's a good reminder that I have some control.

I feel the key biting into my shoulder, the cool metal shifting against us both when he turns into the closet space we had been in earlier. He grabs a long dress with soft material. Setting me down on a chair, he pulls the fabric over my sad form. So fucking useless.

He slouches me into him like one would carry a toddler. I hiss against him as my chin lands on his shoulder teeth nipping into my tongue. While my world is spinning, the copper taste is familiar.

"Apologies firefly, it's been a while since I carried a woman to bed."

A while? As in this has happened before?

The soft comforter is soon wrapped around my body, my breath leaving me one last time as the salts rock my world knocking me into a deep sleep.

The suns wake me up, my eyes taking time to adjust before they sink back together as one. I let my anger take over, my hand flying through the air to land on the King. Whenever have you ever had the balls?

My hand slaps the cool sheets, no one laying next to me. The blanket is pulled back as if someone had been there, but the cold tells me it was long ago. That fucker.

"Good morning, beyotch!" Vale calls through the room my head snapping to see her rise from a corner chair.

"Vale!" I throw back the sheets running at her. She allows me to pull her into a large hug our hair mixing together, breathing paused for just a moment.

"It is so good to see you. The threat that ass of a king gave me before leaving was enough to keep me seated until you woke up." She mumbles pulling herself away from me.


"If I woke you before you wanted to be awake, my tongue was to be cut out. And if you ever get to see the servant quarters, you would believe him."

I cover my mouth shaking tongue back and forth to confirm that I am indeed okay. He wouldn't cut out our tongue? Right?

"Now, I was given strict instructions. Before we start plotting his demise, let me take care of this. This stuff is actually in your best interest." She smiles tugging me over to the closet, "You are to get dressed, eat breakfast, and take your supplements. No shoes. Then, we can do whatever you want. My only job is to stay by your side until he is done with his work."

"Did he give you a time?"

She rubs the back of her head, "He refused to actually, said it was whenever he felt. I assume to keep us on alert. However, the staff said he normally gets done with paperwork around mid afternoon."

"Then we have to hurry."

I toss on the first sun dress I see, a yellow with tiny polka dots throughout that has a small dip in the front. Vale pulls my hair into a braid, and we head towards the dinning hall that I had eaten at yesterday.

"The chef has made you biscuits and gravy. The King heard thats an 'earthly' favorite." She mumbles grabbing the tray to set it in front of me before I sit down.

"You know you don't actually have to serve me right?"

She bites her lip, a nervous smirk coming over her, "The King has eyes everywhere, I have to be careful." She breathes deeply looking over her shoulders before grinning back at me, "Now, heres your pill salad."

The small capsules land in my palm, a glass of water being shoved into the other. Is this another thing to drug me with? Vale stands in front of me, sweat going down her brow, "Having a problem? Queen?"

Something is very wrong with her. She watches me intently as I hold the pills in my hand. Am I allowed to say no? No it's a rule.

"I really don't want to take these." I mumble, Vale sucks in a breath holding it before releasing it slowly with her words.

"I encourage you, Queen, to take those pills."

I set them down, wanting to figure out whats wrong with Vale. Her eyes brim with tears, chest rising and falling quickly. I look her over, raising my hands out to her, but she backs away.

"Q-queen. Please take the pills."

She doesn't want comfort, another threat has been placed on her. I grab the glass of water shoving them all in my mouth at once. The water runs them down my throat. Vale visibly relaxes.

"Now, let's eat."

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