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The free fall last forever. However, I can't compare this to when I jumped off that cliff in college. No wind surrounds me, my body getting faster and faster. My gut doesn't shift down, and no feeling of heavy fills me. The only true indication of my fall is the weightlessness of myself, and my hair wrapping up towards the sky.

There is no telling how long we fell, my body coming to soon after he dropped us down that god forsaken well. Vales screams are what stirred me, her fear of falling evident.

"Sultana, fire fly, are you awake now?" His voice didn't sound any different to when we stood on the solid earth.

"Mm." I groan into the air. My body hurts all over, even my breathing seems strained when I focus too hard. 

"We are currently moving through the transport, I need you to move to a standing position for me. Can you do that?" 

Vale continues to scream. 

"Mm." He shifts my body to what I assume is upwards, my feet having nothing under them to confirm. His warm touch is unwelcome, but in my half awake state I don't have the energy to fight back against him. If I even would. 

He lays a hand over my eyes blocking any view I could have of the transport around us the gravity starting to weigh on us. We must be close, "Valerian, silence yourself." He growls into the abyss, her screams becoming muffled. 

He holds my eyes closed, his front pressing into my back. The unfamiliar zings ripple over my skin, something that I think he enjoys watching me react too. I hear a quiet chuckle, his head dipping down to my neck, breath fanning over my collar bone, "So beautiful." He whispers running his tongue down the side of my neck. 

All the bones in my body stiffen, my soul leaving to the stars. No, no. He leaves a ghost kiss on the curve of my neck moving himself back up above me where his chin runs over my head. He moves me down to where my feet sit atop his the feel of his elbows on the side of my head. How tall is he? 

He holds me tighter, the world slowing around us, Vales screams dulling to nothing, "Keep your feet flat!

And then there was ground. 

"King Dagon! Welcome back." A females voice comes through, Raphael Dagon lowering his hand from my eyes and wrapping his arm around my waist. Always having to touch me please just let me be. 

"Thank you. My mate and her attendant will need a medical look over, inform the doctor. We will meet with him after her clothing has been changed. Bring him to us.

I keep my eyes closed, I don't want to know what horrors this parallel may have. The heat difference is noticeable, my skin starting to sweat as soon as we settled into the area. I feel my hair start to frizz as well, the air humid to the point of tasting the think ash on your tongue. 

He leans down, my body still pressed with his, "Open your eyes darling. Welcome home." 

I shake my head wanting to keep my comforting darkness to myself, but he nibbles my ear, a shock moving through me that does indeed get me to open my eyes. I might pass out again.

The world looks similar to earth in buildings and people ways, but all the buildings are made with hard stone and shiny metals that reflect the surface lava that moves through the town like a river. Water is also present, crystal clear but covered with fallen ash. The sky takes on a dark color like a volcano is forever erupting, but everyone seems used to it, some even wearing a long sleeve uniform. The heat is comparable to a hot summer day, but worse. 

Raphael straightens out, similar to what he did in the tunnel after he got his way with me. His voice booms over the gathered crowd all their faces smiling at their King, "The Queen has been found! Our wonderful kingdom will prosper!" 

They all raise their hands yelling towards him in a way I don't understand. I take the time to tuck my wild dark hair behind my ear, shifting away from being the center of attention. He notices my discomfort, turning me into him shoving my face into his chest. Well, King, I didn't want this either. After a few more chants, he drags me off of the silver platform we were on. The platform was simple enough, a ring of silver with intricate designs wrapping around the base. Both water and lava flowed into it seeming to meet under the metallic circle. Where it goes from there, I have no idea. 

"Come, we must get you changed." We all walk together, Vale following behind us as best as she can. She has followed his orders staying quiet the entire time and when I try to look back at her, she has her chin to chest and eyes drilled to his cloak to keep up with him. In some ways I pray she won't hate me, in others I expect her too. 

The brick walkway leads into a large manor, the walls made of some form of marble and gold edging. It easily stands about three levels with large windows lining the front and sides of the building. Beautiful gardens fill the front yard, each dirt patch holding something different, "This is our home, I perform most of my duties here, but some things require me to travel to the castle." 

"Home?" I finally let myself speak, him dragging me next to him towards the grand front doors that hold most of the gold. The metal is bent in an abstract form on the door raising up and dipping in at certain points, it mimics the way his black looks, such a defined unpredictable mess. 

He walks us to the door, the people standing on either side pulling it open for us. When we enter I have to suck in a breath to keep myself contained. This is beautiful. Multiple chandeliers hang from his vaulted ceiling, one large and a couple smaller ones filling up the space that breaks into the different flooring levels. The grand staircase has two sides both curving around to the walkway that takes you to the next floor. Fuzzy carpets over the flooring, paintings lining the walls. It reminds me of every royal movies I ever watched and dreamed to be apart of, "Do you like it j'kani? If not, I will do whatever you need to make this place more comfortable." 

"It's fine." I mutter looking down the left and right walk ways to see the staff running around, some with things in hand others racing between rooms. 

"They are preparing for your welcome ball, we will be hosting it in the main ball room. Ignore them." I look over my shoulder to see Vale's jaw slack, her eyes trailing over the details that line the walls, "Valerian will be taken with another attendant of mine for training and proper wear. She will meet us at the medical ward in due time. Now, let's get you to our suite." 

A young woman runs up to Vale wrapping her hand through her fingers. I watch my friends face turn bright red as she leads her away no room for arguments. I look back to the King, a smile across his face, "Come on." 

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