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The wind curls my hair as I step into the chilled air that sits right outside of my university building. White reflects from the ground and a light groan escapes my lips as I see my car cover from bumper to bumper in saran wrap. Of course, they would do this. 

Setting my purple bag in the snow I pull my black hair back in a pony and start to unwrap my car. The old beater almost screams for help as I take off layer after layer. I hear the crunch of feet before I hear their shrill voices. 

"Oh Sultana!" The main one screeches and walks carefully through the snow in her black flats looking over the wrap job done on my car. 

"Yes?" I keep it short and she lets out a light laugh as my growl of frustration. 

"I just wanted to see what was going on, you seemed pretty serene." She giggles, and her two lap dogs laugh with her. 

"Serene is calm." Trying to ignore her, I continue to walk around my car unwrapping it slowly but surely. 

"Oh, well I meant pissed idiot. Same thing." She waves her hand twice in the air dismissing the topic and I roll my eyes. At one time she was everything to me, my best friend, my rant buddy, and my non-related sister. Then college boys came around and she flocked to them ditching me in the dust. Doesn't help that she is rich beyond anything I can imagine. 

Even though we have our moments and she has made it her personal job to destroy my life for some reason, I don't hate her. Never once has she told anyone my personal business to exploit me or even mentioned anything about it. She kept the secrets she promised to keep all those years ago, so I have a weird respect for her, but she still pisses me the fuck off. 

"Not the same." In general, I keep my sentences short and to the point, it makes everything easier... the whole life thing. 

She gets tired of me quickly when she realizes I'm not in the mood today. Leaving me to my own devices, I finish unwrapping my car now holding a ball bigger than my head of the clear wrap. Taking the time to recycle it, I grab my now soaked bag from the snow and unlock my doors manually ready to be anywhere but here. 

My car doesn't have heat, so I grab a blanket from the back seat and wrap my waist tightly leaving my arms and feet alone, so I can drive safely, but I was half tempted to crawl into the back and sleep after pulling into an abandoned parking lot. 

Deciding that isn't a smart idea, I drive to the shack I call home and see my father's truck in the driveway. If only the day could get better. 

Letting my feet lead the way I leave my bag in the car then fix my sweater and jeans as I walked to the front door to my own home. He didn't even wait a single second when I entered my living room. His back as stiff as a board as he sits in the nicest chair I have in the room, probably worried more about the tux than me. 

"How can you live like this? Didn't I raise you better?" He stands up and walks up to me sending me to the side as his hand crossed my face. The pain is something I am used to; he does this quite a bit. 

"Father, I am doing my best. It is hard to manage when I am in college, working, and trying to pay rent." I speak formally and keep my voice even trying not to anger him more than I already have. 

"You are a disgrace. Have you even thought about my offer?" He growls and grabs my right arm tightening his hold till I could barely feel my fingers.

"I have Father. I do not wish..." He doesn't even let me finish. 

"You wish to live here? You wish to continue to embarrass me? I offered you the world." His hold tightens. 

"Father, I do not love him how can you ask me to give my life to him?" I almost raise my voice and he hears the slight raise. Considering it disobedience he sends me into the wall forcing me to look into his eyes that used to comfort me. 

"This a business deal sweetheart matters of the heart don't...well... matter. You are going to marry the man and you are going to deal with it. The driver will pick you up in exactly a week to bring you home, so you can prepare for the wedding." He sends a punch into my gut after he releases me causing me to fall to the ground. 

I don't scream or cry. That would make this worse, so much worse.

"Yes Father." Nothing more is said, the short statement pleasing him as he leaves my home. Leaving me broken again. 

I stand up a few minutes later knowing I must work tonight. I wish I could give up my shift, but I need any bit of money that I am able to get. My wonderful father refuses to give me a penny because I am ungrateful, and maybe he is right. 

Shaking my head of those thoughts I walk slowly to the single bathroom that sits right off my bedroom. The cracked mirror greets me, but I overlook it and raise my shirt seeing the multiple bruises that cover me. All from this week. Father is getting worse lately, but I slide my shirt down and move to grab my work uniform. I do not have time to pity myself. 

The black double button shirt scratches against my skin as I walk through my home and grab my slacks and the apron that hangs off the corner of the single chair in the kitchen. How could I let myself forget to do laundry? I try to glare my anger away but find it isn't worth the emotion and let my face fall to a relaxed state. Emotionless is how I get through my day.

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