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I forgot to email the landlord! Damnit.

Lady parks in front of her home and I step out of the car walking to mine leaving her in the dust, but in all honesty, I did not want to be around her. That would make it to where I would have to have her explain the situation and that is the last thing that I wanted. I just want to be left alone to my own devices. I want to pretend that Lady and I do not know each other. I want to pretend that Jamal did chase me down the street. I want to pretend... no...I want to be oblivious to whatever happened in the hospital, between Myrina and I and Myrina and that woman named Dahn.

Something is messed up in this world, but I do not want to deal with any of it. I have my own problems.

Lady doesn't follow me home which I appreciate because it allows me to enjoy the last ration of the soup, she gave me in peace. As I make my way to the kitchen, I spot a golden note glowing on the floor, right where I left it.

NO. This is not happening, I was dreaming. I was dreaming.

I continue to chant it through my head as I approach the glowing note on the floor that seems to call for me and draw me near. Why on earth is that note still around?

Sultana, I see that you are ignoring me, and I wish to know why on monsters you think you can do that? I just want to get to know you since you and I will be spending a lot of time together. I am wishing you the very best my love.

With love,

King Raphael.

Nothing in my right mind wanted to respond to that, but apparently my wrong mind wanted to. My hand grabbed the black pen that I used earlier forcing myself to respond.

I am not ignoring you creep, I am simply knocking myself unconscious from pure boredom of our conversation.

Fuck off,


Every bone in my body told me I shouldn't have written it, but it happened and most likely he has already read it.

Little Ms. Confident aren't we, why don't you bring that to the bedroom?

With love,


Who is this guyand on what Earth does he think that he can speak to me that way and get away with it?

Do you kiss your mother with that mouth asshole? Watch what you say, nothing like that is ever happening between us. To me you are simply cursive on a bad... rather sloppy cursive if I might add. Now to the rather important part of this conversation, why are you sending people after me? What gain am I to you?


Sending people after you? Oh honey, I am sending people to take you and bring you to me obviously. And gain? I simply wish to lay next to you at night and care for you.



To take me? Take me to him? How is that even fair? How does he know about my arranged marriage? How does he know who I am? Why am I writing him back? What is with the red eyes? What is with Myrina? Why...

The questions destroy my brain as pain starts to shoot through my head and I can barely keep my eyes open to see the glimmering black stars that begin to overtake my vision. Oh not this again.

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