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The chain's rattle woke me up. A cold water drips down my head, cement flooring brushing my back. I flicker my eyes open trying to get a clean picture of the world around me, but the familiar face of Myrina takes over my blurry vision, "Good evening purple, glad to see you awake." 

"What is happening?" 

"Athena's death led me to believe that you were siding with the demon, and Hallie confirmed it. We brought you here to cleanse you of his influence, and rid you of your pain." 

I cough, my burnt skin cracking at the shaking. I bite my lips to keep from screaming forcing my chin up to her, "He already took care of that for you, but thanks." 

"He is rotting your brain. Deceiving you with false care. He simply want's to bed you and ensure his future heirs." She spits tossing the keys that were in her hand across the room. 

"Is it true?" 

"Is what true, be specific girl I have many things to keep up with?" 

"That you enslave lesser planets, force the un-gifted to do the grunt work after tricking them into the Tazi Order." I spit the blood that formed behind my teeth towards her feet, she recoils. 

"Believing the history books?" She cackles throwing her head back. Her toes roll in her sandals, hair flying around her, "Of course it's true. Why do you think I was stationed on Earth? That weak planet was meant to serve me and my people. Such a shame too, with the ego those humans have." 

I take my time to laugh, giving her the satisfaction of my flinches in pain. She watches me with a grin struggle to take a breath. The burns from the ground cover my body, some forming large whelps that sizzle at the touch. My skin will never be the same, and some part of me mourns that, "And you think I'll help you? Now that I know the truth?" 

"I believe that you will be great bait. Especially if promise of freedom is given in return." 

Freedom. The one thing I've desired since I woke up in my personal hell, "What kind of freedom?" 

"Golden status under the order. No Tazi will touch you. You'll be free to attend school, live luxuriously, anything you can imagine!" She waves her hands for affect, my heart thrumming at the prospect of it. 

"And why me? Other than me being his mate. Why not kill me?" 

Myrina takes a moment to think about her answer. Her eyes flutter, mouth opening then closing against. She taps her finger against her chin a couple times, then slows her speech, "I care for you, purple. I don't want to kill you. It's unfortunate that you are mated to him, or I would have been able to save you sooner." 

"This isn't saving me." I shake the chains for emphasis, her eyes flinch lightly. So she has some heart

"It's what I have to do, purple. One day you'll understand." 

"And that'll be the day I drive a blade through your cement heart." 

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