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"And here is where you can read any books your heart desires. Your people call them the libraries." He mumbles keeping us moving past the large wooden doors. Wait please, can we stop?

The words never leave me and we continue down the long hallway towards his suite. Dinner settles in my stomach, parts of me feeling the need to puke it back it up. It has been a long time since I had such a filling protein.

"Now, rules of the manor include, as before, no shoes unless given them. This is because in our society women of high status shouldn't have to burden themselves with such restriction, and it limits their ability to run after an arranged marriage. Our ground is hot constantly and will burn your feet before you can make it anywhere worthy. Other rules consist of, and are personal to you, eating at each meal, taking all medications, and spending at least part of your day familiarizing yourself with the culture and people. You as Queen are meant to be a smiling and welcoming face, and due to your abusive past have a shy nature that I wish to break. Any questions?"

I shake my head at his back, but remind myself he doesn't have eyes on the back of his head. Or does he?


He clicks his tongue guiding us back into his suite. I stand awkwardly in the middle waiting my next instruction. Anything is better than being under the abusive hand of a man.

"Why don't you look around, I'll get our bed ready." He smiles stripping off his button up to show his well defined tattooed chest. I feel the drool pooling at the edge of my mouth and have to force myself to look away. I wasn't attracted to tattoos until him, and even then I wish I wasn't.

The key around his neck stays against his skin while he walks over to the large bed pulling the covers down. I keep myself planted in one spot unmoving, nothing about this makes me feel comfortable to walk around and the dress shifting against my skin keeps me grounded.

"Would you enjoy a bath? I have many salts that could help you relax." He pauses at the bed, watching me clasp and un-clasp my fist. Sweat builds at my brow. A man has never treated me so kindly and I can't help but feel is a ruse for something more malicious.

Raphael walks over to me, his hands in front of him like a truce, "Come on, no one wants to go to bed dirty." He gently grabs at me dragging me to the large tub. The water flows loudly into the porcelain his hand testing the water, "Do you plan to take a bath in your dress?"

"If you are staying in here then yes." A little too bold Sultana.

He doesn't reply, just stopping the water before it goes over the edge. Salts are dropped into the water, labels I can't read but resembles the smell of lavender and lemon.

"Then I will leave for you. Enjoy your bath."

The door closes quietly. I run over and lock it the click heard between both sides. The males sigh is heard as well, but once again he does nothing. It's almost worse that he isn't responding to some of the things I am doing. Like a waiting game that I don't want to play.

However a bath is wanted. I tug the dress over myself and avoid looking in the mirror at my self. Now is not to time to take pity on myself.

The bath water is the perfect temp, my body sinks heavily into the water. The salts move against my skin, their smells sending me into a state of complete relaxation. I try to stay cognitive, but as the salts shift against me so does the world. Colors start to blend, my breathing becoming uneven. I hear the click of the lock open the door, and his mushy figure enter. He lays the key back against his chest, but that was the last thing I could keep straight. What's in this bath?

"Calm yourself Sultana. These are just to help you relax. I can't have you running from me in our sleep."


"Yes, most women attempt to leave their mates when situations like yours present themselves. I am only trying to help."

I feel his warm hands run through my hair scratching away all the dirt with a cleanser he found. I almost puke at the way the world spins, my heart beating more and more slowly.

"Give into it, j'kani. Let it comfort you."

His words echo in my head, I shove my hand against my ears to stop him from talking. Please no. I drop against the back of the tub, my body slack. His hands are the only thing keeping me up to which he doesn't mind.

Here was the beginning of the game, and the devil had made the first move.

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