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Their bodies started to rot from heat before we took a step out of the ring. I watched my limp father get covered, a black sack his final garment, and then carried away. I could hear the screams like they still surrounded me, but my brain is numb, little affecting me.

"Come. Lets return home." The King whispers under his breath heading my hand to lead me back. The bodies from the media were cleaned up, no evidence of their existence. I almost feel crazy.

"Do you wish to do anything in particular?"

"Lots of death. I need... I need..." I dont make it far before my lunch is across the grass, and my body dangling from Raphaels arms.

I let my puke covered face lean into him, my eyes fluttering closed. I need space, room to breath, my life back. At least the evils of my past life were known evils. Before Myrina, before Jamal, before him.

"Lets get you to the doctor huh?" He rubs my hair comforting me as best as possible as we roam the manor to the medical ward. I am softly laid across the cot, the doctor who I have already forgotten approaching me.

"Queen, what brings you here." Does the puke on my face not answer that?

Raphael handles him, "She has seen a lot today and her stomach couldn't handle it. Anything we can do for her?"

The doctor gives me a soft smile, "Are you queasy with blood?"

I give him a what the fuck look, the adrenaline still rushing through my system, "No I am queasy with murder."

Raphael bites his lip, fighting a laugh. I had no idea he could laugh and let myself be mesmerized by the humorous look that comes over his face. The doctor doesn't shift he gaze from me, and I am surprised that he is keeping a straight face.

"I can give you medication to help with the nausea, take as needed. But for today, I am prescribing sleep medication, or would prefer our relaxation salts?"

Raphael looks me over, his face serious again. I take a moment to remember the absolute vegetable that I was with those salts, "Meds please."

The King grabs more med bottles from the doctor sweeping me up in the same movement, "We need a shower." The puke smell is starting to seep to my bones.



Another smile graces his beautiful face, his tattoos peaking over the edge of his collar. I watch his face relax and feel his shoulders slump as soon as we are out of view of the staff. The strong energy he puts on lessens as we enter the room. My feet are settled on the soft carpet, his shirt getting tugged off with his cloak. Both hits the hamper and he smirks at my drool that forms.

Something in me settles with this realization that he does something to me, something that I can't avoid, and if he's willing to kill the people that hurt me... then how can he be so bad? I force myself to look away, ashamed at the thoughts that run through me. I shouldn't let myself be transformed so easily by him, let this bond take over, and yet part of me wants to succumb to it. Let it rule me and finally be free of the never ending pain my heart feeds me. 

"Do you enjoy looking at me, firefly?" 

I ignore him walking to the bathroom dunking my head under the sink to get all the puke off. I hear him enter the bathroom behind me and the shower start to fall. I grab my tooth brush scrubbing it over my teeth when I feel his hands fall on my waist, the electric touch stilling me as I rinse my mouth. 

I stand back up feeling clean when I meet his eyes, his beautiful reds staring deep into my own in the mirror, "Are you sure I can't convince you to join me?" His voice is soothing, a deep and rough voice falling like a blanket over me. The bond takes over, my mind fogging when his hands move down to the base of my dress, one hand tracing up the side of my leg. 

"So bold." I whisper his hands laying across the bare skin of my belly, my heart hammering against my rib cage. 

"Let me help you out of this." He drags the fabric over my head, my body on display for him. My nipples go hard against the cold air, the only cover I have being the soft panties I found in the drawer earlier. You are letting him win. 

So fucking what

He hums into the steam filled bathroom, "So fucking beautiful." 

The scars of my past hurt litter my skin, cuts from others and from myself white like tiger marks over my skin. I let his thumb trace over the deepest scar of them all across my lower belly. His touch is sweet and soft, so contradicting to the man that ordered the death of those men. Maybe for me he is worth it? Maybe for me... 

No. But yes. 

My mind is a contradiction, my body going one way and logic the other. If I could imagine a rope around each wrist dragging me one way or the other that would be the best way to explain. He runs his finger up my front wrapping his palm around my breast. I suck in a breath leaning back into him. 

His eyes turn a bright red, the other hand moving to my panty line, I grab his hand stopping him and shake my head lightly. Raphael respects me turning me to face him where my butt is pressed against the counter. The cool marble reminds me of the solid world around me as my mind goes fuzzy for him, "How could I be blessed with an angel like you?" 

Such beautiful compliments for broken woman. 

Our lips hover close to one another, my breast lightly running over his chest. He has one hand behind my head holding me close, the other on my hip keeping me balanced. I feel his chest lift and fall against mine, our nerves bundling together in between us. His voice is soft, "May I kiss you, firefly?" 

Shatter me. "Please." I fear he wouldn't hear me and I would have to say it again, but among the things that had to happen to today this wasn't one of them. I let my eyes flutter closed, my mind going blank. 

I press myself closer to him and let myself be enveloped in his lips, our sparks crackling together in a mind blowing kiss. It will be a miracle if I could ever get away from him after a taste of this drug. 

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