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I read a book a long time ago, one that in my cheer days meant no sense to me. I barely cared for the pages as I flipped through them, but now, I wish I had paid more attention. It was a book that my teacher at the time envied, one that I can't remember the name of now. 

The unendurable is the beginning of the curve of joy. The quote rings through my head like a song bell streaming between my starting and ending thoughts. Is this my curve of joy? Or is this the deepest part of my sorrow that tosses me off the bridge so I miss my turn? 

The dried tears on Vale's face reflect against the chandelier hanging from the ceiling, the chef greeting me as he brings dessert. My heart aches again, Vale shuffling over to take things from me as needed. I almost scream at the pain she is putting herself through, but also take note of the shoes that adorn her feet. 

"You are wearing shoes?" 

"Yes, it is too retrieve things from outside the manor should you request it." She mumble handing the bowls off to the chef, his body shaking with fear in my presence. 

I promise I won't hurt you. Please. I watch her come back around the table, her forced smile dragging me from my seat, she continues to speak leading down the halls, "Now we are to meet with one guest per the request of the King, then we are free to do what we wish." 

"I thought our only requirement was breakfast." 

"I forgot to mention this." She spits turning another corner into a smaller foyer. A young woman, also shoeless, sits at a small table waiting for me. Her blood hair is pulled into a high bun, beautiful jewelry covering her neck and wrists. 

The woman stands dropping into a curtsey. I try to follow but Vale raises her hand stopping me, "You are the Queen, she is to show you respect." 

Why is she following the rules so closely? Does she not desire to leave? 

"Hello! Good morning my Queen, it is so nice to see you and meet with you. Raphael told me much about you." Her voice is shrill, my hands tightening at my sides to keep from covering my eyes from the intrusion. 

"You mean the King?" I mumble back her. Something in me feels discomfort at her casualness towards the King, but she doesn't respond to my question her smile stretching farther.

"All the people have heard things about you, and I was told to be your first greeting! My name is Hallie." 


She steps forward wrapping her hand around my wrist turning me back towards the man hallway of the manor, "Now, I have to show you around the library. You are going to love it." 

We zip through the hallways like before, except Vale runs behind us trying to catch vases that Hallie almost knocks over. The large doors come into view quick enough and we are drug inside. If I could compare this to the beauty and beast stories I would, beautiful multi-level books with a rolling ladder. A gorgeous staircase that wraps to the top, and soft cushioned chairs setting around the room with a large fireplace in the middle. Not that the warmth is needed in this climate. 

"Raphael wanted me to show you where the world history is so you can become fluent, come." 

Her smaller figure moves us to the top floor and to a shelf on the side of the room. She giggles pulling out a book or two, setting them in my arms, "Here, these are basic history, should be easy enough to understand." 

"I don't..." 

"Oh wait. Our language!" She covers her mouth in embarrassment, turning back to the end of the shelf to grab a small magnifier, "This is a translator, I have it set up to English for you. Hold it over the sentence you are trying to read, and through this glass it will be in your tongue. Okay?" 

"Okay." She's really bubbly, and speaking to much to her is scary. 

"Now, get comfy, he want's a chapter read before he comes to get you." She shoves me off into a chair, a hot coffee being sat next to me by another attendant. 

"And please, call me anytime you want. I believe we have a date to go shopping!" 

I watch her blow a kiss and run away. Vale stands there with her mouth agape, I am the same with the heavy book in my lap. Vale coughs before starting, "Do you bet sister or latest fuck that plans to steal your crown?" 

"I bet something troublesome." 

Vale sits down next to me stealing the coffee, I personally have never been a coffee drinker myself. She takes a sip, eyes wide in appreciation, "This is good.

"Well you can have it." 

"I know. You never changed, huh?" 

I set the book back on my lap to look over my old friend, "Only more crippled and broken inside, but other than that I consider myself the same old me." 

"It hurt ya know?" 


She drops the coffee on the side table to lean forward, "It hurt watching your energy slowly leave you, watch you become a shell of a human." 

"And you just let me?" 

She runs her fingers over her brow, a deep sigh leaving her once more, "I thought it was over a boy. I was jealous that you had so much, and was happy you had it taken away. It gave me a chance to shine. Now I understand... the sacrifices. And I am sorry, truly sorry." 

I let a smile come over me, "While I forgive you for being a bitch, I don't forgive you for saran wrapping my car." 

Vale laughs with me as well, our smiles filling the space between us. Out of all the situations we could be stuck in together this is a first. I lift the magnifier looking over the title of the book Hallie threw at me, The Tazi Order.

The pages crack lightly when I open to the first page, the words stabbing me sharply, The Tazi Order, or the 'Slave' order deemed non-magical worlds as unworthy of respect. These non-magical worlds were enslaved to serve the higher, leading to the balance of the universe. One of the leaders was known as Myrina, a fierce warrior, and her second Jamal. The Order originally...

"Vale." I mumble setting the glass down. 


"If this book is anything reliable, then we are fucked." 

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