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The professor drowns on longer than he needs to, and I almost jump out of seat and scream. If he speaks one more minute about Laminar Flow, I will pull my hair out.

"... and like I said before, it is when water flows so smooth that it looks as if it is unmoving..." He continues to speak, and I glare at the window.

Oh. My. Fuck. How many ways can you say the same thing?

This continues for another half hour before... finally... he tells us to leave. Quickly gathering my stuff knowing that this is my last class jolts me with a new-found energy I didn't have a few minutes ago. I check my watch and see I have about a half hour until the next bus home.

Slowing down a little bit I walk the long route to the bus station passing through the miniature forest on campus letting the shade and trees surround me. I couldn't sense anything around me and let myself look up to the sky. My emotions start to...well... feel as I stand alone in this comforting area, the snow giving it an almost magical look.

I suck in a breath and stare at the top of a tall ever green finally letting myself feel something, but it didn't come out as I intended. Before I knew it, I was screaming at the top of my lungs and almost fell to my knees as the emotion overcame me. It felt so good to finally let myself go and do what I want for once, to scream.

The scream continues to move through my body towards the top of the damn pine tree and it didn't seem like it was going to stop anytime soon. Every cell in my body vibrated as I let myself scream towards the sky. Nothing stopped me from raising my arms to the never-ending grey clouds while I released the unfelt feelings that needed release.

What I wasn't prepared for was the strong grip that found itself on my shoulders.

Suddenly the scream is for a different reason. I push myself forward tumbling onto the snow filled ground using it as a cushion. Not thinking I force my uncovered hands into the snow and grab a fistful of the ice chunking it hard towards the intruder of my personal moment.

My brain doesn't process anything as he continues to move towards me with his hands up in a gesture meant to be harmless, but hands can be deceiving, people are deceiving. Nobody can be trusted.

"Hey, hey, hey. Are you alright Princess?" The man spoke slowly, and I focused on breathing deep and long breaths, my butt slowly freezing.

Finally catching my breath, I nod quickly and stand up wiping my butt from the cold. My stuff lays scattered through the snow, so I begin to pick it up and organize It in my arms that seem to have numbed. My watch reminds me I have twenty minutes to make it to the bus station. Turning to the man I finally get a good look at him and appreciate what I see.

The tall, closer to seven-foot, male stands before me with tousled blonde hair and bright red eyes. His build was impressive as well and continually flexed with even the smallest movement, but my favorite part had to be the perfect jaw line that he seemed to have. Lucky bastard. I think to myself and watch him stand in one place with his palms held towards me, almost as if surrendering.

"Are you okay now Princess?" The male speaks again, and I tilt my head to the side in confusion. Why are you calling me Princess? Why are your eyes red? Why did you touch me? The questions buzz through my head, but none made it to my lips.

I shrug my shoulders watching him intently as we stand with only a foot between us. Deciding that was the end of that conversation, I turn ninety degrees and started to walk towards the bus station not wanting to miss my only way home, unless I want to walk again. A shiver runs through me at the thought.

When I turn my head back to see if the guy is still there I see no one and raise my eye brows in alarm. Where did he go? My breath starts to pick up again since I don't have eyes on the handsome creep causing me to walk faster towards my destination.

The dimly lit bus station comes into view making me sigh in relief. Walking quickly towards the building I watch as my bus pulls in and opens the doors. Thanking the stars for my luck I quickly step onto the old clunker of a bus and sit down in the straight blue seats waiting on the rest of the people to get on, so I can go home.

"Is this seat taken Princess?" A deep voice speaks next to me and I turn to see the blonde male from the forest staring at me.

For some unknown reason I decide he isn't going to kill me letting him sit next to me while squishing myself to the window. I prefer the window seats anyways.

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