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I hope he burns in the fiery pits of his own lava ponds. My new attendant sits across from me, my morning coffee that I don't like sitting on the table to my right. Her blonde hair is much lighter than Vale's was, but it pairs well with her more olive tone. 

"Are you going to talk to me, or just sit there?" I scold trying to get some interaction from this interesting female. She doesn't do much, just follows me around and gives me directions. Not that either of those this isn't appreciated, more than I need some other interaction than the horn dog king. 

"Our King asked me to speak as little as possible. He didn't want me to sound stupid next to your intelligence." She gives me a toothy smile, and I try not to react. 

"Try not to sound stupid?" 

"I am one of the younger attendants, and I haven't completed my schooling. I was told you are studying our history, and I offer little to no help." She shrugs her shoulders sliding her shoe covered feet back and forth across the floor. 

"Something about you seems off, Autumn." I grumble, and she flicks a side gaze at me, tongue running over her teeth. 

"Oh? What about me?" 

"Why don't you tell me. I think there's more to your story, and I wish to know it." 

She chuckles, the fake fear she had falling off like a mask. Her shoulders slouch over, perfect posture breaking, "Myrina said you were smart." 

"Holy fuck." I set the book down, Autumn clicks her tongue a couple times before checking around the room. 

"The library is the only place in the manor not bugged, old law prohibits sanctuaries to be anything but safe spaces for free speech." She pauses lifting her skirt to show a silver blade, "And if you scream I'll be able to handle that to." 

"What's your real name then? If you plan to threaten me shouldn't I at least be gifted that?" 

"They call me Athena. Tazi of War. Good to finally meet you in person, our leader has spoken much about you." She drops the skirt, I wrack my brain for any history on this goddess, but my lack of attention in English class is proving itself to me now. 

"Get to point, at least. I have more than enough shit on my plate already." I kick my feet up, the skirt of my dress falling down to show the raised scarring running down my legs from years of trauma.

"Speaking so big for someone recorded to be a mute." 

"Save it. I need information and we don't have time to mess around. You either become useful, or get the fuck out of my face." I spit at her, she doesn't flinch. 

"Myrina has assigned me to be your attendant, I'll be executing the pick up when the times right. We plan to break you out of this hell, and get you suited up with the right team. No matter what." Her glare sends shivers through me. I know deep in my gut that even if I didn't want to be part of their revolution that somehow I would be force. Another fucking pawn in someone else's game. 

"And I get no say?" 

"Pu-lease it's been two full days and your already bending over backward for someone who murdered everything you knew? Some backbone you have." 

"Go fuck yourself." 

"Gladly, with a vibrator. Now get to reading princess, need you know the history when you're standing the front lines." 

Instead of feeling like a savior, she feels more like a prison ward, and I am the unlucky bastard that was tricked into serving time. 

The Blood OrderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ