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He stands in the corner of the room, his beady eyes watching the both of us with a sadistic smirk, "And it looks like you just invited in you worst nightmare." 

"Tan? Who is that?" 

"Run." I turn to her grabbing her arm and drag her from the room. She shuffles her feet barely clothed as we exit into the crisp snowy air. She's going to get frost bite we need cover.

I wrap my hand tighter around her, the door behind us shaking from Jamals kick taking it from the hinges. Vale realizes the gravity of the situation picking up her pace with me. We cut through the snow, our feet becoming numb as Jamal follows us calling to us, "You can't run now! You called him! While I might not be able to lay a hand on you, the King is now more than welcome." 

He laughs, Vale and I hitting the street to run faster. Our frozen feet slap against the concrete as we run in the dead of night. Vale holds her finger brace, the running agitating it. I'm so sorry Vale.

The abandoned gas station comes into view, Vale reading my mind shifts courses for it the broken window in the front being the perfect easy entrance. I dunk in, then her, the calls of Jamal ringing through the air as a horrid reminder. 

My feet step in glass, the edges digging into my feet. I can't feel it however and keep moving only the blood of my feet indication I was there.

"We need to stop your bleeding!" Vale snips at me, her face flush with adrenaline, "You are basically a walking road map right now. Come on." She crouches, wrapping my legs around her waist and digging my foot into her shirt so nothing drips onto the floor. 

We move through the room to an old closet shoving ourselves in together. She drops me on the floor. The ring of the front door can be heard. Suck in breath. Suck. In. Breath. 

He whistles as he walks, his footsteps loud and heavy, "Smells like you got a bad cut Princess, I need to tend to you. That's my job. As the aid to the King." 

His voice is condescending, a mocking of what I am. While I don't agree or want this, I can't believe he would talk to me as such. However, I deserve it. I am not worth the respect. 

"Oh! What is that?" I hear him slap a counter, "The King is here for his bride." 

The Blood OrderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin