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The floor creaks, our breaths mixing together as we stood chest to chest. Vale curses under her breath as the foot steps shadow under the door, "Come on you two are no fun. At least scream.

Jamals voice carries heavy through the rotted door. He knows where we hid, taunting us until we bend to him. The tears build at my eyes, Vale reaching up to wipe them clean. She shakes her head at me, her face turning red from holding her breath. 

"Jamal, treat your Queen with respect. No need to make such a spectacle." His honey smooth voice fills the air. My lungs finally break from the hold, sucking in the stale air of the closet. I feel my throat constrain, the dust filling me, I watch Vale's eyes go wide. I've given us away. 

The door yanks open, both her and I standing against each other, a single broom falling out of the closet to hit the floor. Jamals sneer meets us, his hand reaching out for us grabbing my upper arm to drag me from the closet, "No please." I whisper, my cries ignored when I am thrown into the store area a jaw dropping man standing before me. 

His cloak drags to the floor hanging off his shoulders, a dark red in color. A simple button shirt with fitted slack hug his muscles, a beautifully paired belt that stands out on its own. Dark brown hair is pushed back but stands loosely in a well style fashion... but the most noticeable factor is the deep red eyes that swirl when they land on me. His straight jaw and plump lips pull into a smirk, his eyes roaming over me, "Hello, fire fly, I must admit my excitement to meet you in person." 

"Leave her be!" Vale calls out, her scream loud enough to be heard by anyone within a mile. I see my friend fight against Jamal holds, her skin turning red around his hand. It'll add to the other bruises that cover her body.

Raphael looks up to her, a thoughtful gaze taking over him when he turns back down to me, "Would it make you happy to bring her with us? Make her your personal attendant?" 

"Please no." I whisper shoving my head into the cold concrete floor. The image of him is too distracting, my heart hammering against my chest. Maybe this j'kani thing isn't a bluff, maybe this is something I should have thought through more before letting the old Sultana Wild take the strings.

I press as hard as I can trying to shove myself through the rock ground. I feel the build up of a bruise, the fear curling under my skin when his foot steps can be heard approaching me. 

"Fire fly, you must answer me. I am not a patient man." His sleek shoes stop right in front of my fingers, so close to stepping on them as my father hand, "You must tell me or I will slit her throat." 

"Slit her throat?" I choke out, the tears pouring from my eyes. I have never been a strong woman. Men rule my life, why would I think running with Vale would change that fate. Why would I deserve such happiness and freedom?

"She knows too much, has seen too many things. I can't have a liability like her running around before the blood order takes effect. Decide, please. We must get home." His voice is rough but comforting against my ear, I hear the shuffle of Vale again her cries cracking through the room. 

"Will she be cared for?" 

"As if she was family." 

I lift my head, the bruise felt in the middle of my forehead and turn to my friend who shakes her head wildly. Jamal grabs her hair holding her in place, I mouth 'I'm sorry' to her. She breaks down dropping in his hold, her body weight catching him off guard as he shifts her to the floor. 

"Personal attendant please." 

The King squats, his cloak flowing behind him to move over the floor. He places an electric finger against my jaw forcing me to look into his blood red gaze, "As you wish, my j'kani. Let us return home and get you looked over." 

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