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Lady continues to drive like a madwoman to the hospital and I do end up grabbing the oh shit handle to simply keep my ass in the seat, but she barely notices my distress and goes up to seventy miles per hour in a twenty-five.

"Lady?" I mutter but she seems to hear me shooting me a glance.

"Purple, we have to get to the hospital." Her voice is rigid forcing me to not ask anything more as she whips into the concrete parking lot that sits before the terrifying building. I hate hospitals.

Not paying any heed to the blue man in the wheelchair she pulls into the handicapped parking throwing the car in park while jumping out of the driver's seat. I feel fine, what is she so worried about? Lady runs around the car opening my door for me letting me get out at my own pace, but she seems almost frazzled about my nonchalant behavior.

Rushing me to the emergency room, Lady forces me to the desk and explains the situation to the lady.

"Alright ma'am what is your relationship to the patient?" The scratchy old lady questions and I look over to Lady. Yes, how are we related lady?

"I am her Aunt." My who?

"Alright, what is your name?"

"Myrina Coldstone." The woman at the desk typed away but stopped to ask Myrina how to spell her name multiple times. It was rather annoying.

"And the patients name?" Myrina looks at me raising her eyebrows looking towards the woman at the computer and then back at me.

"Sultana Coldstone."

And that is how we ended up introducing ourselves, quicker than I expected we were dragged back to the small cubicle where a doctor could look over me. Not that anything was wrong. As we sat and stared at each other I tried to figure out a way to explain the bruising all over my body, but Myrina had different plans.

"You can't hide it anymore Sultana. Honey, whoever is hurting you needs to be put behind bars. Is it a boyfriend?" Myrina quizzes me but my response is a blank stare in her direction.

A frustrated sigh leaves her lips causing her cheeks to turn a little red, "Sultana, beautiful name by the way, I have been hurt in the past, I have hurt people, listen honey if anyone understands being in pain it's me. People hurt people, even when they love them, and I want you to know that you have someone that will look out for you no matter what happens."

Before I was forced to respond a woman with a white coat walks in, but something is different about her, her eyes...

"Get down!" Myrina yells out and I dive off the bed landing palms down barely missing slamming my nose into the floor. My 'aunt' jumps up and moves to the end of the bed trying to... guard me from the doctor?

I slide under the bed when a hissing noise runs through the room, "Myrina, long time no see old friend. Last time we met you were fighting in Egypt."

"Don't worry I didn't miss you Dahn." Myrina seethes and I sucked in a breath trying to control the noise that I made.

"You know what you are doing Amazonian. She has been chosen and the King wishes to have her." The lady that is pretending to be a doctor takes a step closer to Myrina, but instead of stepping back like I expected Myrina moves closer to Dahn, overpowering her in a weird way.

"Dahn, you know damn well I would win if you really wanted to settle this, why bother with the bloodshed, has there not been enough?"

"And who's fault is that you bitch! You abandoned your people! If anything, I know the gods would let me win, if only to put a coward in their place."

"You must not speak about what you do not understand. Leave Dahn, before I make you."

From the under the bed I can see Dahn take a small step back, but she whispers quietly trying to make it to where I wouldn't hear her, "You know he will get her, they are destined, and fate never fails."

"I can give her time. Now leave." Myrina starts to walk forward and Dahn basically slithers away after that leaving my 'aunt' and I alone.

"You can come out now." I slid out from under the bed and stand up rubbing the dust off my clothes while gathering my senses.

"Home?" I whisper and Myrina looks me over nodding her head.

"Only for tonight, then you and I will be going on a trip."

The situation keeps getting more confusing as I follow the old woman, I once thought couldn't handle herself but seems to be able to do just that and more. The car ride back home is quiet, but I enjoy the silence letting it comfort me as we get closer and closer to the hell hole that I will be thrown out of shortly. Probably literally.

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