"Thank you for joining us for dinner Liza" Anthony said, smiling.

I felt like such a scruff sitting here in my jogging bottoms whilst everyone else looked so stunning and elegant, but at least I was comfortable.

"Hello sweetie" my mom said smiling at me. I smiled back as nice as I could then dropped my head to look at my fidgeting hands. I still couldn't look at her without wanting to cry. Helga appeared, and placed a plate of food in-front of everyone, except for me.

"Were not used to vegetarians here, its practically unheard of."

Damen whispered into my ear, just as Helga returned carrying a plate placing it in-front of me.

"Thank you" i said to her smiling, she smiled back then left the room.

My food looked good, i had a mixed salad with different types of cheese decorating it. I was about to start eating when Anthony started to speak.

"I asked you all to join me for dinner this evening so we could all voice our worries and concerns about the situation, and to explain our ways to Liza. Does anyone have anything they would like to say, and questions they want to voice before we start?."

"I'd like to know exactly how much Liza knows. About her witch half and how she is going to learn how to use her powers". Crystal said. She was wearing a beautiful champagne coloured dress that emphasised her curves well. (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_yIXe6dl5V9A/THvKMjWpWGI/AAAAAAAAByo/4MKfrxn1UPg/s1600/99.jpg the dress)

"Well lest ask Liza shall we" Anthony said, gesturing to me with one hand. Everyone turned in there seats to look at me, I hated it when they all stared at me. Back home i was invisible and blend in with the crowd but i had a feeling here all eyes were going to be permanently glued on me.

"She uses her powers. but I don't think that she realises it." Damen said to the group, everyone took there eyes off me to stare at him. I stared at him in shock, how on earth was I using any kind of powers? I'm sure I would have realised if I did.

"Can i ask how you came to this conclusion?" Anthony said.

Damen cleared his throat then continued. "When we finished our breakfast this morning, we were talking. Only her lips never moved, we were talking telepathically. Every pair of eyes in the room turned back on me, I felt my body temperature rise under the heat of there gazes.

"That's absurd, I spoke using my tongue, my lips" I stated. It was a crazy what he was saying, but what did I expect? i already knew everyone was crazy. I just thought that maybe he wasn't, I suppose I was wrong.

"Liza, I promise you now, the only time your mouth moved was when you smiled." Damen promised me. Everyone started talking amongst themselves as Helga replaced our starters with our main courses. I ate mine in silence, trying to figure out if what he was saying was true. I knew it was an impossible thought but so many impossible things have already happened. 

"Liza" Anthony called me. I looked up to meet his eyes.

"I think we have figured out how you did it, remember when Crystal went to help you and spoke to you telepathically? well I think that kick started your powers. Because you haven't been around anyone magical until that point your powers never expressed themselves."

I nodded along with what he was saying, I mean it did make sense. I was around humans all my life and now I've been thrown into the world of magic.

"Children in the witch realm hardly gain use of all of there powers until there sixteen anyway, and I'm guessing that would be the same for you, so technically your not that far behind"

Helga reappeared, removing out plates.

"Thank you, that was fantastic" I complimented her. Just because I was confused about everything in my life at the moment didn't mean I had to be rude.

"Is there anything else that you can do?" Crystal asked.

I tried to think of something, anything that could be classed as magic. But i came up empty.We carried on talking for what seemed like hours before eventually i told them i was tired. I needed to go to bed, to think about all that was said tonight .


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