chapret eight part four

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I woke up in excruciating pain, I've never been the kind of girl who starved herself so this pain was all new to me. It was like someone was pouring acid in my stomach half the time and the other half it felt like it was eating itself. But that pain wasn't the worst kind of pain I was feeling. My chest was killing me. It was like someone ripped my heart from my chest and threw it on a fire why a pack of dogs rip it apart. I've never ever felt pain like that before. And to be honest it scared the hell out of me. I suppose it could be because I'm not eating, but that seemed very unlikely and I wasn't willing to eat just so it would go away.

Helga still bought me food three times a day and every time she was met by tray upon tray of untouched food. She started to look scared and not just worried as I lost so much weight, I couldn't tell how much I actually lost, but it felt like quite a bit to me. Lianna came a few times, and every time she would go ballistic at me. But I could see in her eyes that she was proud of me for being so stubborn. For doing exactly what I said I would and not giving in. She kept threatening to lock me in a room with a human until I crack and feed. She noticed that locking me in a room with food wasn't going to work, so blood was her next option. And according to her it was her only option. she wouldn't even entertain the idea me going back home to Damen, Anthony and my mom. And every time I bought it up she would go mad.

It was killing me how much I missed them all. Al's I wanted was to be with them. Where I'm happy, and most of all where I feel safe. Well where I used to feel safe until Lianna proved that I'm not safe no matter where I am. But I know that if, no when I go home Damen would protect me. He wouldn't let me out his sight ever again. I dreamed about him every night I was here. Well say every night I'm not exactly sure how long I've been trapped here. I seemed to be sleeping all the time. For all I know I could be sleeping three times a day and not once a night.

"That's it" Lianna said barging into my room, waking me from my sleep. "What?" I asked, not really caring what she was going on about, but knowing that if she didn't say what was on her mind she wouldn't leave me in peace. "You are going to get out of bed and eat. How do you expect to learn about your powers and master them if you never try?" She asked really pissed off. "I don't care about my powers" I admitted telling the truth. Back at the mansion alls I could think about half the time was training and mastering my powers. But living here I seemed to have lost all my passion for it. Trust Lianna to take that away from me as well as taking my family.

"You will learn your powers, now get up" she yelled at me. Flames were forming around her body, ill take it anger is the catalyst to her powers just like mine. Ugh I hate the fact that I have so much of her in me. "I don't want to" I tried to shout back, but it just came out as a whisper. "I don't care what you want" she said. "Nah I would never have guessed" I said sarcastically. Before I could say anything else I felt myself being lifted from the bed. "What are you doing?" I asked confused. There was no one there lifting me, it was like I was levitating. "I told you to get out of bed" she said back, sarcastically. "Why can't you just leave me alone?" I screamed at her as tears started to fall silently down my face.

Your pathetic you do know that right?" She asked as I carried on crying. I didn't say anything back to her, because that's what she wanted. She wanted me to get angry and use my powers, or what I knew of them on her. Instead I stayed silently crying as she levitated me all the way over to her. I was still wearing my dress from the ball, but because I lost so much weight my once tight fitting corset was now hanging loose. And my skirt was falling down past my hips. "You can either eat voluntarily or I will force you" she said, giving me the choice. It was the only choice she had given me since she bought me here. "How about go to hell" I said and spat on her. I knew it would make her angry but I honestly didn't care. I was hoping she would kill me so I didn't have to stay here with her.

"You will pay for that" she threatened and threw me against the wall, causing my back to smack off it. I fell to the floor coughing up blood. Boy that hurt like hell, having no meet on my bones made me feel it twice as much as I would if I was still at my normal weight. "I can torture you non stop and you won't die" she said with a laugh, lifting me back up and dropping me back on the floor. I laughed at her when I got over the shock of the impact. "What's so funny? She asked, looking confused. "Your wrong" I said, spitting the blood out that was filling my breath. "Oh really, how so?" She asked walking over to me, she bent down so her head was level with mine. "I can die" I stated to her and passed out. 




I went back to the ballroom and helped the others rescue all the trapped and injured. We found quite a few people still alive, but there was about the same amount dead. You could see the pain on Anthony's face as he looked over his dead subjects. To him they were like his family. When we got all the injured people out we got to work on moving the bodies. By that time the emergency services had arrived. They tagged and bagged all the people then took them to the morgue. I made sure that they took proper care of Angels mom, no doubt she would want to say good bye to her again. And give her a proper burial.

When I was finished I made my way back to the living room to find Sapphire asleep with Angel curled up on her lap. That child confused me, sometimes she looked about ten or eleven years old but at other times she looked no older than five or six. Right now she looked the latter, five or six at a push . I quietly walked over to where she slept and nudged Amethyst slightly until she woke. "What is it?" She asked, looking slightly scared of what I would tell her. "I just wanted to let you know that you and Angel can sleep in my room if you want" I offered. I couldn't let them sleep in here, Angel needed a bed. And after she looked after her all night Amethyst deserved to sleep in a bed too. "Where will you sleep?" She asked, slightly confused. "I have another bed" I answered not elaborating.

I took angel out of her arms and carried her to bed, Amethyst following close behind. Angel didn't stir once throughout the whole walk, nor when I softly placed her in the bed and pulled the covers over her. "Good night little one" I said and kissed her head. I've only known the child a matter of hours and I felt for her. It was like she was my own family. "I'll be just down the hall, shout if you need me" I said to Amethyst then left the room without another word. I could feel my tears prickling again at the back of my eyes and I didn't want anyone to see me cry. I've never really been one to cry in public, and I didn't want tonight to be an exception.

I walked into the room and breathed in the scent. Her scent. God I missed her. I was so worried about her, Al's I wanted in this moment in time was to hold her close and never let her go. But because I couldn't I settled for sleeping in her bed. That would just have to do for now. But come tomorrow ill be working on a plan to get her back, safe and sound. I removed my clothes and got into bed, I didn't want to mess her sheets up with my dirty bloody clothes. That would take her smell out of the bedding.

I fell asleep quite quick, quicker than I thought possible. But I didn't have a peaceful nights sleep, instead I had nightmares. I dreamed about Liza, she was angry at me for letting her be taken. She kept telling me that she hated me, and never wanted to see me again. And that she wanted to stay with Lianna, to become just like her. She kept using the phrase "like mother like daughter" a phrase I knew that she would never use. In reality Liza hated Lianna and would rather her be dead. She would never admit to being like her.


Okay my lovers I'm going to leave it here tonight. I know its not much of a chapter but I like it haha. If you find any mistakes let me know. And I'm planning on naming every chapter. So if you have any ideas what this one should be called comment and let me know XD

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P.S I love you all <3

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