You narrow your eyes at his answer, rolling them then looking up to the top of the tent. "Wasn't the point of your trip to punish her and get my sword back?" You look back at the fool, sharpening your eyes to dig deep into his soul to find the truth. "Did you let her keep my property, Jevil?"

He smiles nervously, tensing up his body with his tail bending lower. "UHHH... WELL.. YOU SEE, SEE..." He gulps adjusting his collar. "CHAOS, CHAOS?"

"I'll take that as a yes." You groaned that was the only thing you actually looked forward to when his dance was done with the Golden Pain.

Your soul dips in your chest, disappointed but maybe now with the Spades thinking that you murdered her, having a weapon that she had on her before she disappeared was probably a bad idea. Yeah... That might have been a good thing in the end.

"W-WELL, MY WORLD-" His hands imprison yours, wrapping around them with fingers that practically dug into your palms. "-TIME IS TICK-TOCKING BY!" The fool's legs float off of the ground, as his vision looks away from your dagger-like gaze.

"NEED TO GO, GO NOW BEFORE OUR DATE REACHES ITS FINAL END!" Your mouth shifts to the side. He was playing the 'change the subject' card. What a coward...

"Jevil, we need to talk about it and I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what happened." Your eyes light up with determination. Your resolve is wrapped up by your words, tying a nice bow on the end. The fool stares into your eyes, his mouth going agape. Confusion, shock and worry flash in his eyes.

"YOU'RE DETERMINATION... " The corners of his mouth tilts upward into a foreboding grin. Amber consumes his eyes. "HA HA HA!" He breaks out into a laughing fit, pulling both of your arms with the force of a 7.0 earthquake.

Your eyes widen as the light breeze hits your back. The comfort of the cold metal leaving something between you and the prying eyes of the darkners around makes you go weak at the knees. If any of those spades happened to be looking inside of here then your cover was blown.

You stagger backward slightly trying to tear your hands from his, glaring at Jevil with hot prods for eyes. "Jevil!" Cool metal hits your calves, the tubs water swishing side to side from your movement.

Jevil's hands held on tighter, refusing to give up as his head tilts to the side. "SCARED, SCARED? IS HAVING FUN, FUN WITH ME THAT WRETCHED?" He almost looked a little offended at the prospect.

"A-ace! We've looked all over and found nothing!" The world freezes as the words ting around inside of you like a pinball. That winy high pitched voice... That was the Spade Rudinn. Even worse, his voice sounded so close by.

Your eyes bulge out of your skull, nearly popping out and rolling on the ground beneath you. This is the worst possible thing that could have happened at this moment.

A cloud of blackish dust takes up all of your vision as you throw yourself at the dirt below you. Your soul beats inside of your head, a loud thunderous sound that overtook everything else around you.

"I-i understand Ace its j-just... Okay, we'll go back and check again..." Disappoint echoes in his tone, whimpering at the end. His voice was much more distant than before making a soft sigh fall out of your mouth.

Good. That means that he didn't see you then... You felt a little bit of peace with that fact but your soul's beating only seemed to increase. Wait... A small bit of sweat appears on your forehead. Why did the ground feel much softer than normal ground?

Why do you feel a sudden case of deja vu?

Warmth wraps around you as the dust finally clears the space around you. An arrow of horror shoots through your brain at the sight in front of you. Jevil laid underneath you his face close by your neck, as his arms hug you tightly.

"Why Won't You Smile at Me?" Yandere!Jevil X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now