BONUS CHAPTER 5- Taeyoung & Hyunwoo: 'X-Rated' Honeymoon In Paradise

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I opened up the curtains when we entered into our hotel room. The sunlight streamed through the glass.

Taeyoung and I had left for Honolulu less than 10 hours ago and we both could feel the fatigue... but he insisted on leaving for our 'Honeymoon' after our engagement...

"Isn't the honeymoon supposed to happen after the ceremony?" I asked, while turning to face Taeyoung, who was tipping the hotel attendant.

"Who said we would be having only one honeymoon?" I looked over at him shocked. He shut our door and then walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.


"Besides, one honeymoon will never be satisfactory... in any case..." he said, while tracing his fingers up my stomach, "we will be living like it's our honeymoon every... single... day..." he pressed his lips on my neck and then gently nibbled my ears. He slide his hand up my cotton shirt and I shivered.

"Tae... let's get ready for dinner--"

"Hyunwoo," he whispered into my ear seductively while pushing my body closer to chest. I could feel his c*ck harden...I exhaled, a little excited. When I tried to move away, he locked his arms around me tightly.

"If we don't do it now we can-" he then used one hand to turn my face to his lips where he kissed me passionately, preventing me from speaking further. I could tell he wanted me to lose all reason --to drown in ecstasy, as usual. But not right now, so I elbowed him and he backed off. He held his stomach, looking up at me.

"You're such a beast!" Taeyoung smiled and walked over to me again, caressing the sides of my face.

"Alright, alright... since we have a reservation at La Mer, let's go there first..." I looked up at Taeyoung in disbelief... but he headed to the bathroom to 'solve' the problem below his waist and I grinned...

Taeyoung and I were staying three nights in a Halekulani Suite.... I had never known luxury in my life until I met Tae. Fine dining, romantic candlelit dinners, all the beautiful vistas... I could never tire of it... and here... we were in paradise again.

After our dinner we came back to our room, drank some champagne, and then went to bed. In the morning, Taeyoung showered me with kisses until I woke up. He took me out to a Sunrise breakfast, which was breathtaking.

We then went swimming in the sparkling water of Oahu, had lunch at Orchids and then lounged on the beach...

After that, we had an afternoon full of Spa treatments... I was a walking rubber band by the time we were done... later in the evening, we had dinner in our Suite. It was just as beautiful as our first night here... Taeyoung had prepared a bouquet of red roses for me. It was almost too much for my heart...

Later that night we played a little in bed for a few hours... afterwards, we fell fast asleep.

When I woke up I was in his arms... I decided to go for a quick morning swim without disturbing him. We hadn't gotten a chance yet, and today would be our last day...I left a note telling him to join me... I felt a little embarrassed but after all he did for me, this was the least I could do... be a little romantic? My cheeks flushed...

Taeyoung said we had more Spa treatments, a Hula dance session in the afternoon, and a dining with Jazz music session at the end of the night... I couldn't believe how nice this trip was turning out to be... having these tender moments with Tae was beyond my wildest dreams... every time he held onto my hand... when we could walk around together comfortably without worrying about anyone around us...

When I dove into the pool, it was still quiet outside in the morning.. When I emerged from the water, I swam over to the ledge, and rested my arms on the sides. I exhaled while closing my eyes; lifting my head up to the sun. Moments later, the sun was blocked by someone's shadow, and I smiled, looking up: hoping to see Taeyoung.

His Bodyguard (Boy x Boy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora