Hyunwoo's Sacrifice & Taeyoung's Tears

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Now I knew what this was about... I felt like an idiot. It was all becoming much clearer.

This had to be Taeyoung's old bodyguard.

He wanted to take hold of his company's secrets... I could hear a glock be cocked beside my ear and realized that I was now being threatened with a gun. I looked up to see Taeyoung reach into his pocket.

Why... why was this happening?

Why did he have to sacrifice himself like this?

All of this was painful to see. I couldn't control myself... I loved Taeyoung... and I wouldn't let this bastard get his way. I started laughing, and that seemed to change the tone. Maybe I looked like I was out of my mind, but it was enough for that masked man to turn around.

"President... I'm flattered, but... you really don't need to protect me..." I looked up. I changed the glint in my expression much more seriously. "This bastard... kidnapped and brutally assaulted me, think about how much prison time he'll get. He needs you now more than you need him," the lackey kicked me so hard that I coughed a little.


"Even if he kills me, do you think he'll stop?! Don't be naive!! He'll always come back!" I glared at the masked man. He then stared at me, almost daring me to continue.

"Interesting. I picked correctly... you truly value his life more than your own..."

I then spat at his feet and he laughed at me. The lackey then grabbed a hold of my hair and yanked me back, holding the gun closer to my face. I could see Taeyoung lunge forward, but another lackey stepped forward, pointing his gun at him.

"Don't hand it over, President. He's not worth it," that seemed to strike a cord in him as he stepped forward. "How pathetic have you gotten? How low have you sunk? For an ex-bodyguard trying to extort a little bit of money is disgusting. It's unbearable to watch."

The man then pulled his mask down. I saw a terrible scar on his chin, rolling up to his jawline. He must of gotten himself hurt at some point... I didn't flinch, and stared at him as he glared at me.

"You're pretty daring for someone with a gun to his face... let's see how long that lasts..."

"Yes... let's see how long it lasts..."

In the spur of the moment, that bastard did what I wanted him to. He came close to me...

I had a split-second chance to gain the upper hand. I smacked my head back, shocking the man that was holding onto me. He stumbled back a little. While the second lackey tried to lean in to grab me, I lunged forward at the ex-bodyguard who was about to grab a hold of me. I managed to swing my hands in a fist at him first, making him fall back. I stood up and did a sidekick to the second lackey.

Taeyoung then turned to hit the man quickly behind him, disarming him.

I was able to defend myself a little better, even with my hands handcuffed in the front. When I maneuvered around the two men, preventing them from being able to use their guns because I was too close, I was able to knock them down with a few front and back kicks.

When I was done, the ex-bodyguard was already up with his knife, charging at me. I dodged a few times... this guy was really strong. But I could match him with a little concentration. He had the upper hand for the few minutes when we were sparring, but I was able to utilize some of the space in the warehouse we were in, and jump off one of the large random shipping boxes to spin kick off of it. When the knife was away from him, I was able to lock him between my legs. I held his arm up and waited until he fell unconscious.

Exhausted, I still managed to stand up, and limp over to Taeyoung who had just finished subduing one of the ex-bodyguard's men.

"Hyunwoo!!" he raced over to me, hugging onto me tightly. I didn't have much energy, so I just leaned into his body. "You!! I told you!! Don't act irrationally!! You're irreplaceable to me!!"

I could feel the intensity in his words. Sinking into his body, I felt reassured.

"I could start with nothing. So long as I have you by my side. Don't ever do something like this again!" I accepted the strength of his hug and exhaled. "The police will be here shortly. Don't think I would accept that bastard's terms lightly." I nodded and Taeyoung continued to hold me. "Are you hurt? Did they hit you? God, I swear they'll all fucking pay"

"It's... I'm okay... let's... go home..."

"Yes... let's go home..."

I wanted to tell Taeyoung so many things. I wanted to thank him for all that he's done for me. For showing up on my behalf. For loving me...I smiled to myself... I would definitely have to tell him this when I was able to...

When I looked over his shoulder, I saw the ex-bodyguard coming out from the corner... he was holding a gun, and quietly aiming at Taeyoung. My eyes widened and without hesitation, I pushed Taeyoung down. I couldn't spin him around because I was wearing handcuffs. But I pushed him down in time.

The gun was fired. The bullet landed in my chest. I felt a piercing pain immediately... stunned, I was unable to process what was happening... but when I looked down, there was blood flowing out of my body... everything around me became hazy.

"Hyunwoo!!" Taeyoung screamed. I fell forward. I could hear police sirens in the background. My body suddenly felt like a spineless doll. I fell forward. Taeyoung rushed up to hold me to his body. Slowly, he lowered me to the ground. He held me in his arms, as he pressed his hand on my wound.

That bastard missed my heart... but I don't know where it landed or how fatal it was.

I suddenly felt weaker... tired. 

Damn... Taeyoung... what was going to happen?  Would I be leaving you? What about my family? My eyelids became heavier... but Taeyoung kept tapping my cheeks. I had never seen him this distraught before... tears were pouring out from his eyes and he kept yelling at me to stay awake.

"Don't you dare fall asleep! Stay awake! Why! Why?!!!"

He held me close to his arms... I mustered whatever energy I could to lift my hand up to his chest.

"Because... I love you..." I smiled at him and Taeyoung closed his eyes, tears falling down his cheeks.

"What did I tell you!!? Help!! Please someone help!!" I could hear some rushed footsteps heading our way. Taeyoung kept pressing down on my wound. Soon, it felt like I was being gently lifted up and taken somewhere... it was the backseat of the car. I was only vaguely aware of my surroundings.

"Everything will be alright," I could feel Taeyoung's body trembling. I just wished I could do more for him. I wanted to hold him back, but my limbs were numb...

"Hyunwoo... you won't leave me like this, huh? You have to spend the rest of your life with me, right?" I could only smile faintly.

"Yes..." I said, my voice dull. "Taeyoung..." he then looked at me carefully. "Tell... my family... I love them... and...please... protect them... if I... if I can't..." Taeyoung then squeezed my hand.


"Taeyoung..." I tried to smile. "Please..."

"Yes of course I will..." I looked at him one last time... I tried lifting up my hand but I couldn't. Taeyoung saw my effort and leaned in to hold onto my hand.

"Taeyoung..." I whispered... shortly after, my eyes shut.

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