Unexpected Confrontation

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I saw Joonki whispering into Taeyoung's ear again... this was the fourth time in the last few days.

"Hyunwoo..." I straightened up when Joonki approached me and he gently smiled. "Did you just get here?" I nodded and looked over his shoulder. Taeyoung's brows were furrowed together.

"Is everything alright?"

"He has an important business meeting later today."

"I see..."

"How have you been?"

"Good... and yourself?"

"Just fine, as usual... make sure to alert me if he gives you any trouble..." how much did he know?! I nodded and Joonki patted my shoulder before leaving...

I greeted Taeyoung and he continued to work...

During the day I escorted him to the meeting place. Later, when we were back in the office I ran around to complete a few errands, briefly stopping to talk to the security team to see if they have noticed anything unusual...

Either their lips were sealed or there really wasn't anything...

Later that night Minah and Jaehyung invited me out for drinks. So we had a chance to catch up and talk about the progress of the video game. There were a few bugs to be taken care of, some more level-analyzes, and more tinkering and polishing of graphic designs.

"Say... you're much closer to Prez now?" Minah was on her third pint... she could hold her liquor very well. I was still sipping on my first.

"I suppose so..."

"Like...how close would you say?" when I looked to and from Jaehyung, they both looked like they were 'in on something.'

Was I really too sensitive? Or did they also know?

"What do you mean?" I asked, ignorantly. Jaehyung seemed to be a little embarrassed now, looking away. But Minah stared at me relentlessly. When I didn't budge she shrugged her shoulders.

"Don't forget to hang out with us though..." I chuckled... I really wanted to shake the life out of Taeyoung. I know he confided in them but this was really too much... did they always know from the beginning? I sipped my drink... thinking about how long I would be able to keep this facade.

Around 11 c'lock, Jaehyung and I both took one of Minah's arms and carried her out to Jaehyung's car. He was used to taking her home when she got like this...

I smiled as I watched them drive off...


Thankfully the next day I wasn't hung over, but I got a series of messages from Minah complaining about how sick she felt.

So before I went to work I picked her up some hangover soup. When I brought it to her at the office, people might have thought I was her guardian angel.

I scolded her a few times for not being careful and she told me she would drink less next time. Everyone knew that would never happen...

When I went back down to see Taeyoung he looked a little distracted. When I walked over to his desk, he didn't realize I was there until I waved my hand in front of him.

"Would you like me to go out and get you something to drink?"


"You have to take care of yourself... is there something bothering you?"

"Mmm just a few things"

"Let me go and get... " as I was walking forward he reached out to hold onto my hand. We stood quietly in front of one another. "There's... something you're not telling me, right?" Taeyoung was silent and I sighed. I then approached him again. This time, with my free hand, I placed it on his shoulder.

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