Cloud Nine?

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Another week passed by.

I was surprised that I made it through another week at Chae Gaming.

Given the circumstances and my recent...involvement with President Chae.

Although the President was a little 'flirty,' around me, he wasn't overbearing... it made me wonder if he was interested in me? Or was he just teasing me? 

It's just... I'm his bodyguard. Not his lover. There were moral boundaries... right? I mean... considering that night... I thought about how he might be trying to be considerate of me and that alone made my heart flutter...

After all... making out with your boss, can you really talk about morality?

I sighed... the President was working at his desk again. He was concentrating on the material in front of him. I looked over at him briefly.

I watched his furrowed brow. I then saw him click his teeth together a few times when he was frustrated. 

I couldn't help but watch over him since it was my 'job,' but the more I did, the more I discovered about him. He would inject facts about himself during our lunches together. Thinking about it over the course of 2 weeks... I learned quite a bit...

He is 183cm tall.

He has a fear of circus clowns.

He has distant ancestry from Northern parts of Europe.

He believed in Santa Claus until he was 12 years old.

He has an older brother that he hardly sees, but who he really admired growing up.

He also rarely goes to the gym but maintains a 'physique' by doing 100 squats, 100 push ups, and 100 crunches every night.

I couldn't believe it... when he also told me he was trained as a boxer, I wondered why they needed me? Maybe for my expertise... and I mean, having additional help if anything happens? It's not like he has eyes at the back of his head. But still...

The more I learned about him, I also surprisingly told him a lot about myself too. Thinking about knowing him a little more made me realize he wasn't this 'step on a pedestal' kind of President. He was humble, hard working, and definitely ambitious. A little odd, sometimes too playful, and lacking seriousness in times he needed to be... but overall, I thought about how likable he was.

When I thought about that... I wanted to kick myself.

I wasn't supposed to want to get to know him more personally...

Just as a boss. Get to know him while keeping boundaries, right? I kept telling myself.

Getting to know him... employer to employee... right?

After another day spent together, I was dismissed. When I saw Joonki, I noticed he was taking a look at me. Extra carefully...

When I was halfway to my car, I received a message from the President. He told me managed to make reservations at a Thai restaurant I had been wanting to go to. I couldn't help but grin ear to ear...

When I got to my car I hit my cheek lightly... this wasn't the time to be happy about something like this...

When I got inside my car, I heard my phone ring, and this time when I looked at it, I had to take an extra look... what the hell was he doing?

Hyung, I'm gonna take care of this issue myself. Gonna go to that office myself... don't worry about me, k?

This crazy bastard...

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