Don't Let Me Go

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"Umm... President Chae... didn't you say  you were taking me to a hospital?"

I was laying in one of Mr. Chae's guest rooms. The bed was double the size of the one in my room. The bedroom itself was ten times the size of my room.

He was sitting on a couch flipping through a newspaper. He quickly rushed to my side when he saw that I was awake.

When I passed out in his car, I never thought I would be back here under these circumstances...

President Chae told me he had sent one of his private Doctors to look after me... I was on an IV drip and surrounding by comfy pillows.

"If I brought you there I'm sure you would have evaded my questions. Besides, here... you can be taken care of personally by someone I have hand picked. He's one of the best Doctors in Seoul." Suddenly, someone came into the room. There was the Doctor with a note pad who seemed a little annoyed by the President. He came over to check my pulse and vitals.

"I've written you a prescription Mr. Lee. You should feel much better tomorrow. If you symptoms have not dispersed, please contact me... President Chae can I have a word with you?"

The President smiled at me and then left the room with the Doctor.

I suddenly felt a little embarrassed... I must have been sleeping for a few more hours... and to make a late house call like this for me... I admit, I feel a little better...but I felt badly for the Doctor who had to come all the way here...

When President came back into the room I tried sitting up, but he rushed over to try and get me to keep resting.

"I went to University with that guy... he knows me well... let's just say he's happy to help you... but not always happy to see me" I was a little confused... but I didn't want to pry into their friendship.

"Sir... how did you know where I was?"

"Joonki set up a last minute late night meeting with some of our publishers and... I had to attend. The restaurant is nearby... I wasn't expecting you to pop out of that place... which brings me to the next question... why were you with that guy?"

"Wait... how do you know him?"

"Don't evade my question, Hyunwoo. He's a dangerous man. I know what he does for a living. How did you get involved and why... did he say you knew each other 'intimately'?"

Mr. Chae was now leaning in towards me... out faces were only inches apart.

"Mr. President... there are somethings I can't... talk to you about. I don't want to cause you trouble... I appreciate everything you have done for me... but I'm just a Bodyguard..."

"Lee Hyunwoo..."

"So, I think I should go..." I tried taking the IV out, my fingers shaking a little... what was I so afraid of? If he knew about why I was entrapped by Jonghyun? If he knew more about me... what did I have to lose?

I didn't want him to make this his responsibility. I was his Bodyguard... I was supposed to protect him.

"Alright! Just stay here... I will wait... until you're ready to tell know I..." he then touched the side of my face lightly. I looked back at him... feeling like I didn't deserve the amount of attention and patience he was giving me... after saving me from back there...

"So, just get some rest..."

His fingers lingered against my cheeks briefly before he started to walk away... what the hell was I doing?

"Wait," he quickly turned back to me... and I pushed off my covers. When I stumbled out of bed he rushed back to hold me up.

"What's wrong?" I could now feel the heat from his hands... the intensity in his gaze...

"I'm just... in a bit of trouble right now... but I will fix it... I don't want to get you involved... please understand why I can't tell you everything right now... I will, once everything gets better..."

"I don't understand... when Jonghyun is concerned, it's game over. I know that guy. He finds trouble or he makes people's lives a living hell... to think that you--"

"I... please understand me, President... I just--"

"Taeyoung... call me by my name..."


"Yes, you're my Bodyguard, but you're also important to me. I want you to trust me... and I'm telling you that I want to start somewhere... so in person... when you're with me... call me Taeyoung..."

I gulped... was he serious? 


There was a momentary silence between us... I could feel the blood rushing to my face... I felt warm, a little dizzy...

"Alright... Taeyoung..."

He smiled at me and then leaned in to hug me.

"Just for a moment..." I stayed still as this man held me close to his body... truth be told... I didn't want him to let go.

His Bodyguard (Boy x Boy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ