Epilogue: Together, Forever

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1 Year Later...


"Mom... I brought someone special to meet you today..."

The day had finally come... it had been another year since my mom passed away.

During this time, Taeyoung and I have grown closer. Our relationship is stronger than ever. We trust each other unquestionably, and have had many new adventures, to say the least. I looked over at Taeyoung, who was dressed to the nines. I told him he didn't need to wear anything formal, but he did...

He laid a bouquet of flowers on her grave and then knelled forward and came up and down, bowing respectfully. I followed shortly after him. After I said a few more words to my mom, Taeyoung asked if he could sit with her for a few minutes. When I left, I could vaguely hear him say: "Mother in law..." and I blushed...

I then said my goodbyes to her and we walked slowly back to his car, hand in hand.

"Hari is expecting us for dinner tomorrow... have you thought about what you would like to bring?"

"Why not one of my vintage wines?"

"My dad would like that."

"And maybe some artisan desserts for Hari?"


"Hyunwoo... do you think it's about time we..."

"My dad, you mean?" he then nodded.

"Yes, probably very soon... he may need some time..."

"Well, we have all the time in the world don't we?..." I looked up at Taeyoung's confident smile and chuckled. I then leaned forward to brush my finger across his cheek.

We both gravitated towards one another, and passionately kissed underneath the warm sun...

Yes... we have all the time in the world...


Thank you so much for reading! I hope you loved Taeyoung and Hyunwoo's story!! I am in the works for a new novel set between 2 University students -of course it'll be BL :D


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