Closing The Distance Between Us

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The man that hit me looked startled. He had a smaller stature than me; hovering over 170cm in height.

"Jisung!!" the President tried moving me aside, but I brought my arm up and prevented him from stepping forward.

"Does Mr. Chae have any business with you?" the man the President referred to as Jisung scoffed at me.

"This your new f*ck buddy? I spent all night waiting for your call after you said you would and now... you're a real piece of work!!"

I couldn't believe this was happening. The President was sleeping around indiscriminately? Wait... he was gay? Well, I didn't know, but considering this situation. And more people were gathered around. I needed to get him out of here. 

Mr. Seong did tell me to keep him out of situations that would be potentially damaging to the company. If this was a toxic lover's spat... I think that would count?

"With all due respect, we will be taking our leave" I overpowered President Chae with some of my swift movements, and pushed him into the passenger seat. I shut the door behind him. I bowed politely towards the young man and then went to drive away from the scene.

"Wait! Wait a minute, you bastard! You can't just leave!! Hey!!!"

While driving away, the President was quiet. He seemed angry.

"Why did you step in?"

"He was going to hurt you"

"I could have handled that situation, why did you--"

"I'm you bodyguard, it's my duty"

"That wasn't worth--" then he was staring at me. Trying to get a better glimpse of something.

"Is there something wrong, President Chae?"

"Your lip... that bastard must have been wearing a ring... turn left over here..."

"Shouldn't we head back to the office?"

"Turn left, Mr. Lee!"

I stayed silent, and turned when he told me too. I followed him out of the car, and walked beside him step by step at the drugstore we were at. After he gathered a few things and paid for them, we went back to the car and I drove off. When we got back to the office, he grabbed a hold of my wrist and pulled me towards the elevator. When we got upstairs, he brought me to his office, and pushed my body down on one of his chairs.

"Stay still..."

My heart was beating erratically. What was he doing? He opened the bag from the pharmacy, and took out some ointment. He then leaned forward with a small gauze and started dabbing my lip. I didn't realize that the hit from Jisung had made me bleed a little...

"Mr.Chae, I can do--" I tried to get up. He didn't have to do this. I could bandage myself up.

"I told you to sit here... it'll take a moment. It was my fault"

"It wasn't your..."

"Stop moving, please..."

I nodded and I watched him...close to my body, taking care of my lip... it was a little tender where he was applying the ointment. I watched him focus on the cut...

While he leaned in towards me, I could smell something sweet... it was somewhat floral with a hint of musk... roses, perhaps? With sandalwood? But there was something else... I could also clearly see his collarbone. At lunch, he had loosened a few buttons up top...

Then, I was following the contours of his jawline... his full lips and piercing dark brown eyes... when I looked away, he took his hand and held my chin. He told me to stay still for a moment longer... when I diverted my gaze again, I realized how close his body was to mine... I couldn't bare it...even underneath his clothing, I could tell how tightly toned his body was. His large figure was hovering inches from mine.

When he was finished, I had hoped my cheeks weren't red. There was a mixture of emotions going on in my head... I had never been this attentive to the body of a man in my life... even when I was training with fellow soldiers or at the dojang... there was something different about this...

Whenever I looked at him closely like there, there was an undeniable spark inside me that launched itself outward...I didn't know what it was...

"Let me know if it bruises... I'll sue him"

"It's okay... I've had worse injuries in my life..." I held the back of my head and stood up.

"You're not here to be a punching bag for me"

"I..." I stood a few steps away from him and Mr. Chae looked at me seriously, with his hands on his hips. "Don't worry about me, President"

There was a call from one of the department head's, and Mr. Chae moved away from our conversation to another... I breathed a sigh of relief.

After a long day, I left after being dismissed by Mr. Seong who came into Mr. Chae's office at 5pm precisely.


I didn't do much during the day, but it felt incredibly long.

During my drive home, I thought about that man from earlier... I wondered, only briefly, what Mr. Chae was like with other people... even though that man was upset, he wouldn't have gone out of his way to find him like that... besides, even after the dude hit me, he did seem a little distraught. Even more so when he thought I was the President's 'lover....'

As if that would ever happen...

When I got home I received a message from Minah... I wondered how she got my number... I decided to forget about it. She told me this Friday she gathered a few people to welcome me to the company. 

I tried to get her to forget about hosting a get together just for me, but she insisted, and included me in their work Kakao group chat... that's the last thing I needed. Even President Chae was included in that chat...

I was happy they were all so close. That was rare in business I suppose... but I didn't know if I would ever 'belong,' into a place I didn't 'fit' into the first place. Since I was just hired as 'muscle,' ... I rolled my shoulders slightly when I got inside my house. I walked to my room to change into more comfortable clothing. 

When I came out from my room, I heard my father rustling around in the kitchen. When I walked over to him, I saw him unpacking some groceries...

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