I Want To Be Close To You?

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"Office romances are forbidden," Mr. Seong said, nonchalantly. He was now looking at a message on his phone.

"When did we agree on that?! And what are you doing in here like this?!?" Mr. Chae pointed accusingly at us and Jaehyung, who was the person I didn't expect to push me back, and for what reason? I saw his expression ever so slightly before I fell back... upset? Some frustration?

I didn't realize I was about to fall on my behind, but someone was there to grab a hold of me. When I looked up, I was in the President's arms.

He was holding the small of my back; preventing me from falling.

He was staring down intensely at me... why did it feel so powerful? I hadn't moved an inch. But I did hear Jaehyung apologize, and that brought me out of my trance. I had been staring into the President's eyes, which looked a little brighter underneath the light...

President helped me back up to my feet... his hands still lingering around the small of my waist...

"Come on, Jaehyung!" Minah grabbed his hand and walked past us. She then pivoted and tossed my phone back to me. She pointed at me and said: "check your messages" she then looked at Mr. Seong. Jaehyung was looking the other way.

"Have a nice day, Sunbae" she smiled at him before skipping away. I could see Jaehyung trying to keep up with her...

"What were the two of you doing together?" I looked at President Chae confused.


"Why were the two of you hugging?" my eyes widened. I could hear Mr. Seong sigh in the background.

"Taeyoung, we have a meeting. Hyunwoo, you can wait for us to return, alright?" Mr. Seong pushed him forward and the President tried halting but couldn't. When he turned around, our eyes met briefly before the elevator closed.

Well... that was interesting... I turned to look at my phone and opened the messages I didn't see. Minah was right... President said that the welcoming party dinner was 'on him.'

That was really generous of him...

I yawned a little, and one of the assistants's offered to bring me coffee. I then asked her where the break room was and I told her I would make a cup for myself. She pointed it out, and I walked over. There were a few people there who were minding their own business... I caught a few of them staring at me. I'm sure it was obvious as to who I was already...

My phone started buzzing and I looked at it again. There was a message from Jihoon. He wanted to let me know that he asked his boss if they could have a private dinner at the restaurant he worked at when Hari was discharged and they said yes...

I smiled to myself, thinking about how great of an idea it was.

I sipped on my freshly made coffee and walked back to the office. I wanted to study the floor plans more...


"Stop pouting" Joonki said, while flipping through some documents. "I didn't hire him to be a distraction for you. We have to go over the game design doc..."

"I know what needs to get done, Joonki. You know me."

"Then why are you sulking?"

The two of them stepped out of the elevator. Taeyoung glared at Joonki who returned an equally stern gaze.

"You did this on purpose, to spite me?"

"I don't know what you're talking about..."

The both of them starting walking side by side, picking up their pace simultaneously.

"You know I always get what I want, right?"

"Of course you do, but this time it might be different"

"There are only opportunities. Never challenges..."

"So you're insinuating..."

"Let's get to the office, we have a lot of work to do today"

Joonki stopped and watched Taeyoung walk into one of the offices. He didn't know if his impulse decision to hire a bodyguard was correct, but there was a danger lurking around him that can't be ignored.

Besides, there was something in Hyunwoo that Joonki couldn't deny...


A few more days passed, and my first week at the office seemed to be going well...

The only 'alarming' situation I had was when Mr. Chae's ex nearly smacked him, and then helping the security team downstairs with an escalated situation involving an unhappy parent protesting the existence of their 'gaming company,' which 'ruined her son's life.'

It wasn't an overly demanding job.

I had time late in the evenings to help my father with his classes, which also helped me keep up with training on my end for my job as a bodyguard.

I still had time to visit my sister, since Joonki personally came to make sure I left at 5pm. 

The hospital was nearby, so it made going over there easy.

From time to time, however, I noticed something peculiar in the office... whenever there was a chance, President Chae would always become strangely close to me.

When he asked me to get a book for him, he would hold onto the book for a few more lingering seconds before taking it from me. I could feel his eyes following my own...

Whenever I went to get coffee, he always wanted to join. While I prepared the freshly ground coffee beans for the espresso machine, he was behind me unexpectedly, to grab a mug from the cupboard ahead of me. Or to grab the sugar in front of me, drawing his arms forward.

When I escorted him to different places in the company: in particular, when we were in the elevator with employees he would do one of the following: use his hand to pull me towards his body when more people came in --which resulted in my face planting into his chest.

Or if I was standing next to him, and people were boarding, he would slide into my side to brush his arm against mine.

Or, he would complain about his back hurting, which would result in him leaning into my body when people were boarding the elevator...

Were elevators always this busy? Or was it just my imagination that President Chae was trying to get close to me?...

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