"You Can Pay Me Back With Your Body"

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While trying to keep my cool, I put a loanshark office's address into my GPS and headed out as though there was a fire underneath the belly of my car.

This idiot was going all alone...

We had made brief progress with one lawyer who said he would 'help' with the right payment.

I knew Jihoon was still upset about the amount of money going into this 'situation' he caught himself up in, but... this was really too much.

He was going into a den of wolves. People who wouldn't think twice about making him 'disappear' overnight.

I really didn't have time to think. I needed to get him out as soon as possible.

After an agonizing 30 minutes, I found the office I was looking for.

I was expecting a shabby looking building, but it looked like a polished building you'd see somewhere in Gangnam District. Looked about 8 floors high... high enough to drop someone... I sighed... don't overthink.

I parked my car in the lot and headed towards the building. There was minimal security at the front when I entered. They asked me who I had business with.

"A dongsaeng of mine is in there. I want to accompany him..." when they pushed me back once I sighed, "I really don't want to escalate this... let me see him. His name is Nam Jihoon"

They both exchanged a look and then one of them turned away and dialed a number on their phone. Moments later they told me what floor to visit.

What kind of deep shit was I getting myself into...

I stepped into the elevator with one of the guards and was brought up to the top floor. When we got to the top, the guard pointed to one of the offices. I nodded and jogged over to the door. I opened it and there I saw Jihoon on the ground. One of the thugs had his leg on Jihoon's back.

"Hey!!" there were about 5 of these gangster looking guys in the room. I raced over to help Jihoon but three of them stepped forward. I could see Jihoon's bloody and dirty face face down on the ground.

"Hyung..." I balled my fists together. This was inhumane... I needed to stay calm.

"Mr.Nam... I told you that you needed to pay up this month" there was a voice coming out from the distance. I peered over to see a chair turned away from the scene. I couldn't see him but he continued speaking. "When we lend, you owe us" I saw the chair turn around, but my vision was being blocked by the thugs in front of me. "I gave you six months because it was a considerably small loan. And you said that you would figure something out this week, so that's why we didn't visit you again..."

I could hear footsteps now. I tried to look over their shoulders, but one of them had their hands on my shoulder.

"Do you understand what I mean? And coming here without my money... you have guts..." I could hear him laugh as he approached Jihoon.

"Please... please just let me-" the figure in the distance grabbed a hold of Jihoon's hair and pulled him up.

"Don't ask for mercy when you're in this kind of position. Where is my money?!"

As soon as I heard Jihoon cry out, my mental state cracked again.

"How dishonourable..." I whispered.

"What?" I heard this strange man in the distance say.

"Targeting vulnerable people to keep this dirty business afloat... it's sickening... let me go..." the men in front of me stayed still...

I would be getting myself in deeper shit now.

But there was no turning back.

Maybe I should have involved the cops.

Here we go...

"Who is this crazy bastard?" one of the minions cursed. 

I sighed, and then looked up.

"You'll regret this..."

My hands emerged upwards and the gangster's grip on me fell. I launched my hand upwards into his nose. I could feel some of his cartilage crack. Before I had time to think, I twisted my body around and bluntly side kicked the guy flanking his right.

When the guy on the left tried landing a punch on me in the matter of seconds I started my attack, I raised my fists to block him and curled my arm forward, smacking my elbow across his face. When the three bodies fell down in front of me, I could see the man in the distance...

The one I assumed was their 'boss.'

Possibly a little taller than Presiden Chae, with strikingly good looks. Piercing, but cold eyes. He had a beautiful silver hair colour... he stood there, putting his hands in his hips. When I thought he would attack me from the front, he half-grinned and nodded his head forward.

I expected this. 

Two men ran at me, their fists flying up.

I ran to the side. I kicked my legs against the wall and landed a front kick. A few of the men I knocked down originally struggled to get up. I needed to wipe these guys out...

The other guy rushing behind the one I hit nearly hit me, but I dodged it, and swept his feet. I managed to grab the collar of his shirt and punch in the jaw a few times. The other guy I kicked grabbed my back, and lifted me up in a bear hug. I thrusted a kick forward and the guy fell back.

These sons of bitches... I smacked my head backwards, and the guy fell. I completed a spinning kick, but more men came at me. 

Dodging a few hits, and sliding by them, as carefully as possible, I grabbed onto one of the guy's bodies and used him as a shield. I then pushed a few of them together.

When I was swarmed again, I wiped the sweat off of my forehead. I landed a few front kicks and had time to finish consecutive jumping kicks. When one of them sneakily landed behind me, he grabbed a hold of me, trying to keep me in place while another one came at me. I wiggled a little, but got hit in the face a few times.

I managed to regain some ground, and released myself from his grip. I turned again and used both my fists to smack him to the ground.

There was a brief moment where everyone paused. I saw one of them take out a knife. I exhaled, let out a half-grin... this shitty situation. I put my hands on my hips, gaining my stance again. I waved my hand forward, daring him to come forward.

"Stop..." the voice was intense. When I looked, the boss had been leaning against his desk, seemingly entertained by this scene. "Leave us..." he was smirking again. There was some hesitation. But the 5 thugs left the room. I looked up at him, breathless. 

"You're tough, pretty boy..." I leaned against the wall behind me... steady now, Hyunwoo.

I scoffed. Who was a pretty boy? He had toned, long legs. He could be on the cover of GQ.

"Pretty stupid... impulsive... but I think we'll get along..."

What was he saying? I looked over at Jihoon who had passed out now. The 'boss' had approached me and stood, hovering over me. He reached his hand out towards me, touching my bruised cheek.

"I think I know just what to do with you..."

I wasn't following... but he approached me closely, putting his hand behind the small of my back and drawing me forward. I landed close to his chest, looking up. This crazy creep... I looked up at him, half-grinning again.

"You can pay me back using your body..."

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