Don't Touch My Man!!

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My cold had gotten worse by Friday, and to make matters worse, Jonghyun messaged me. He told me he needed me to work tonight.

I couldn't say no.

When I stumbled a little during the day, the President rushed over to me, helping me over to a seat to rest a little. I felt particularly ashamed of getting sick when I supposed to protect him...

"I really think you should go home to bed..." I looked up at him as he held my arm. I don't think he realized he was still holding onto me after.

I wondered if he knew how much he's changed since I met him... less playful and much more serious with me... sometimes I wanted to believe it was because of me... this kind of gentleness compared to his teasing... felt kind of amazing. 

So amazing I just wanted to be infected by it a little longer...

"I think... you're right, President... I might be useless to you for the rest of the day"

"It's not about being useless, Hyunwoo... I don't want to push you..." he helped lift me up the couch again and made a call for me. "I asked one of my drivers to take you home. Just let me know how you feel after the weekend. Your car will be fine here..."

I didn't complain... but now I would need to take a damn taxi to Jonghyun's club...

"Okay... thank you, President. I'm sorry..."

"Don't be silly. This isn't your fault. If you don't get better overnight, please go see a Doctor"

I nodded and then coughed a little... a few minutes later I finally left the company.

When I got home, I went straight to bed.

Even though I slept for 4 hours, I still felt groggy and disoriented.

When it was time for me to head out, I took some more medication and snuck out of the house to go to Jonghyun's club.

Even after everything that happened, his club was still a top night destination. Someone 'spread a rumor' that it wasn't a 'real gun,' but a few firecrackers that went off...

I couldn't believe it... but if that's what Jonghyun wanted to do that was his prerogative.

I stumbled a little when I got out of the taxi. But I managed to steady myself when I got in to meet him.

He was alone in his VVIP office again. He was looking through a portfolio when I approached him.


When Jonghyun looked at me, he looked as he usually did.

I assumed he forgot about what he did to me, so I didn't dare to mention it ever again.

"You..." before he said anything else, some of the other security team members came in to let him know some VIP clients were here. "Escort them to their rooms. The women are there already"

I cringed a little on the inside.

The security guys left and I stood there waiting for Jonghyun to let me know my post for the night.

"You'll... stay by my side tonight"

I was a little surprised... but I guess having me around was convenient because he also got shot last time. I nodded, and he watched me closely. I stood near the top of the staircase.

My vision was becoming a little blurrier.

Only thirty minutes had passed, but I didn't know how much longer I could last. I coughed a few times.

His Bodyguard (Boy x Boy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora