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A few days later, Harry and Louis had a visit from a social worker.

They were ecstatic when they were told that there was no reason for Darcy not to stay with them. They would have regular checks though, due to Harry's medical problems.

They'd called the family and told them the news.

"What if I can't do it Lou?" Harry asked as he held Darcy in his arms.

"Do what love?" Louis replied.

"What if I'm a crap Dad. What if I do something wrong?" He looked really worried.

Louis sat down next to him and put his head on Harry's shoulder.

"Listen...yes, it might be difficult for us. But, we'll do it together. We'll be the best Dad's we can be. She'll be so loved and happy."

Harry nodded. "I hope so. I just....I get scared, you know?"

"I know. I'm scared too. We can help each other to not be scared though, can't we?" Louis smiled.

"Yeah. Glad I have you Lou."

"Same, love, same."


"If you or Harry need me, just call straight away ok? And I'll be come home." Louis said, nervously. He was going back to work for the first time since the accident.

"Louis, don't worry. We'll be fine. You need to get back to work." Lucy said, assuring him.

"I can't help but worry, Mum. I've not been away from him since...".

"I know love. Go and say goodbye to him and get going, or you'll be late." Lucy added.

Louis walked to the living room. Harry was laying on the sofa. He definitely wasn't a morning person.

"Hey gorgeous!" He sat down.

"I have to go now. Let me know if you need me." He rubbed his arm.

Harry looked up from him and pouted. "Do you have to go?"

Louis sighed. "I wish I didn't but, we need money and if I don't get back soon, they'll fire me."

Harry looked up at him, trying hard not to cry. He'd been so reliant on Louis the past few weeks.

"I'll be home soon enough love. You get some rest." He bent down and kissed Harry gently on the lips. "I'll miss you. Don't go giving Mum a hard time!" He laughed.

"I won't, promise. I love you."

"Love you too." Louis said, getting up and heading back to the kitchen.

"He ok?" Lucy asked.

Louis shrugged. "You know Harry. I better go. Thanks Mum."

"No problem. See you later."

Louis left the house.


"That's the housework done." Lucy said as she set two mugs of coffee on the table by the sofa.

"Thanks. I could've done it." Harry replied, picking his mug up.

"You still need to rest love. Don't go doing too much too soon."

"I want to do it though."  Harry frowned.

There was a cry coming from the baby monitor and Harry sat up.

"I'll go." He got up slowly and started walking up the stairs. By the time he got to the top of them, he was tired.

He went into their bedroom and saw the beautiful little girl crying softly in her cot.

He picked her up carefully, hissing at the pain he still felt from his stab wound, and sat down on the bed.

"Hey there. Why are you crying darling?" He stroked her soft pink cheek, wiping the tears away.

Darcy's cries subsided to a whimper as she looked into her Daddy's eyes.

"That's better. Were you crying cos I'm no good? I'm sorry. I'm trying. Maybe you would have been happier with another Mummy and Daddy. We're no good. Mummy was bad. She should've pushed the knife in further. Finished me off. I feel like I'm dying anyway. I'm useless. I can't do anything right. I'm so sorry Darcy." Harry broke down.

Darcy was asleep. Harry's tears were falling on her. He couldn't stop.

The door opened and Lucy rushed in. She had been listening on the baby monitor.

"Harry! Harry love, let me take Darcy." She said, worriedly.

Harry didn't move. Lucy bent down and scooped the baby out of his arms and placed her back in the cot.

She sat next to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"Harry, love. Talk to me. Please. I'm worried about you."

"I...I can't do it!" He sobbed. "I can't do it."

"What can't you do?"


Lucy was silent. It was a shock to hear Harry say something like that.

"I need L-Louis." He cried, holding her arms tightly.

"I'll call him." She got her phone out and phoned Louis, explaining how bad Harry was feeling.

Within half an hour Louis was home and Harry was wrapped up in his arms, hugging his chest, tears flowing rapidly.

"Does he need a doctor." Lucy asked.

"I don't know. Let's see how he is later."

Harry cried himself to sleep.

"I think I might call his doctor, explain what's happened. See what he thinks." Louis said.

"I heard him talking to Darcy on the baby monitor. Louis...he said he wished that Anna had killed him. That he can't do life. I'm scared for him."

"Shit. I need to make that call now, don't I?"

Lucy nodded.

He laid Harry down on the bed, placing a blanket over him, and left the room to make the call.

Lucy sat with Harry. He looked so peaceful. But god knows what was going through his head right now.

He deserved so much better.


Sorry no update yesterday.

Thoughts on the chapter?

Sorry it was boring again. Running out of ideas to be honest.

I'm so glad Harry won his court case against his stalker. Must be so scary to go through that.

All the love 💞💞💞

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