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To say that Harry was overexcited was an understatement.

He'd been awake since six, thinking about the move. The day was finally here. The day he would leave the comfort of the home he'd spent the last eleven years in.

"Harry! For god sake, stop jumping on my head!" Louis laughed and pushed him off of his bed.

"Sorry Lou. I'm just so excited!" He got up off the floor and ran out of the room, virtually flying down the stairs.

It was still only 7am, and everyone else was still in bed, except for Lucy.

She was sat at the kitchen table, drinking a mug of tea, and staring out into the garden.

It was a cold morning. It was also still dark. The move wasn't planned until around 10am.

"Mum! Think I'm a bit hyper!" Harry laughed as he wrapped his arms around his Mum from behind, kissing her cheek.

He noticed it felt damp, so he quickly scooted around to face her.

"Mum? Why are you crying?" He looked at her worriedly.

Lucy wiped her cheek and tried to smile.

"Sorry love. I'm just...just being silly."

Harry took a seat next to her, and took her hand.

"Why." He asked, frowning, suddenly not feeling so hyped up.

"Our baby is all grown up and leaving home. I'm so happy for you Harry. Anna is a lovely girl, and you two make a great couple." Harry blushed.

"We'll miss having you around." She added.

"I'll miss you too. We'll visit all the time. You won't get rid of me that easily." He leant forward and kissed her cheek.

They didn't notice when Louis entered the room.

"Everything ok?" He asked.

"Yeah. Just your silly Mum being an idiot."

"You're not silly or an idiot, Mum.  You're the best Mum in the world." Harry had to wipe a tear away now.

"Come on you two. Today is meant to be a happy day." Louis said, smiling.

"Well... let's start with a full English!" Lucy said, standing up. "You gonna help Lou?"

Harry laughed. "Are you sure you want that? He'll probably end up burning the kitchen down!"

"Oi!" Louis yelled, giving Harry a shove. "I'm getting better."

"Well, you have to now you live on your own. No Mum to help." Lucy replied, smirking.

Harry set the table set while Lucy and Louis cooked.

They called everyone else down, and sat down for breakfast.

"Louis actually cooked, without burning it!" Harry stated. Louis sighed.

"Jesus! Getting very domesticated Lou!" Niall said, stuffing half a sausage in his mouth. "Delicious."

Once breakfast had been eaten, and the washing up was done, it was time to get Harry's belongings in the van they'd hired.

He didn't have too many possessions, leaving his bed and chest of drawers behind, they weren't needed now.

"Is that everything?" Liam asked as he placed a box in the van.

Harry nodded. "Think so. Let me know if I forgot anything?"

"Of course!" Liam replied, closing the van door.


A few minutes later, they arrived at Anna's house, now Harry and Anna's house.

Liam parked the van in the driveway, as Lucy pulled up in their car next to them.

"Hey guys!" Anna yelled as she opened her front door, running out to hug Harry.

"Anna! How are you love?" Lucy asked.

"So happy and excited." She replied hugging Lucy.

"Bet you're not as excited as Harry." Louis said. "He woke me up at six jumping on my head, shouting!" He laughed, Harry blushed.

"I was wasn't that bad!" Harry said.

Louis laughed. "Yeah, right!"

They started unloading the van, taking his things into the house and up the stairs.

"I thought we could put all Harry's stuff in here." Anna said opening a door to a spare bedroom. "Just for now, while he sorts through everything."

Harry nodded, and put down a box.

Anna went to make some tea, while the family continued to bring everything inside.

Once the car and van were empty and all his belongings were in the room, they all sat in the living room.

The walls were a pale pink, with a featured wall of bright flowers. The mantle piece was white, newly painted, photos of Anna's patents at either end. A few candles were scattered here and there.

There were two sofas, a three seater and a two seater, both a creamy colour.

A black flowery rug sat in front of the fireplace. A wide-screen TV set sat in the corner of the room.

It was a lovely room, all cosy feeling.

"So when do you think you'll have the housewarming party?" Zayn asked, he loved parties.

"Uh? Oh I think we'll get Harry settled in first, so won't be this week." Anna replied.

"Remember if you need anything or any help, we're only a phone call away!" Lucy said, smiling at Harry, who nodded.

"Well...we better let you get settled." Liam said, standing up.

"Oh god...I hate goodbyes!" Lucy cried.

"Mum... you'll see me again. I'm not leaving you for good!" Harry said.

She pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back, more to comfort her than him. She kissed his cheeks a few times, not wanting to let him go.

She did though, eventually.

"Good luck son. We're so proud of you." Liam added, hugging him too.

"Stay in touch, ok? Miss you already!" Niall smiled, fist bumping him.

"Yeah. Don't forget us!" Zayn added, giving him a bro hug.

Finally, Louis stepped forward.

"You take care. Text me all the time ok. And if you ever need me for anything, you know what to do." He whispered in Harry's ear as he gave him the biggest hug he's ever given.

By the time they'd all said their goodbyes, Harry was sobbing. "Go! Get out of here! Give us some peace now!" Harry said, smiling, shooing them out of the door, giggling.

"Bye Anna. Take care of him!" Lucy said, waving as she got in her car. They all got in the vehicles, and drove home, horns beeping as they left.

Harry and Anna went back inside and closed the front door.

They both slumped on one of the sofas, and Anna wrapped an arm across Harry's stomach.

"Home sweet home." She said. "I love you Harry."

"I love you too Anna."

Awww... Harry's all grown up and moved out. 😢

How do you think he'll get on without his family?

I'm really excited about this book.

Hope you'll enjoy it.

All the love 💞💞💞

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