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"I fell down the stairs." Harry sniffed. Louis sat next to him and held his hand.

"Try to calm down love. How did you fall?"

"I.. I think I tripped on something. Sam found me and called an ambulance. I don't know what I would've done if he wasn't there." He sobbed.

"Harry.... where's Anna? Wasn't she with you?"

Harry's heart was pounding. He couldn't tell Louis the truth. He wouldn't believe him. He loves Anna.

"She...she went to see her Mum. She's not well." He lied.

"Did you call her? Shall I do it?" Louis asked.

"I called before I called you. Her Mum's really bad, she can't come right back yet." He wiped a tear.

"Oh. Ok. She shouldn't have left you home alone with Sam though."

"I wouldn't do anything to hurt him. I can take care of him on my own!" Harry snapped.

"Sorry. I know. Do you know if the baby is here yet?" Louis asked trying to change the subject.

"I haven't heard anything. Ro said he'd let me know. They're trying to find them. Social workers have Sam. He'll be scared."

"Shit. Poor kid."

The painkillers were making Harry feel tired now, and he soon fell asleep. Louis stayed by his side.

He would phone Roman, Lucy and Anna in a couple of hours. It was still way too early to disturb anyone.

Louis had just nodded off when Harry's phone rang. He jumped and grabbed it, seeing it was Roman.

He answered it. "Roman! It's Louis."

"Louis? Is everything ok?" Roman asked, sounding concerned.

"Harry's in hospital." He whispered, trying not to wake Harry. "He fell down the stairs at home. Sam called 999."

"Shit is he ok? And Sam?"

"Harry's got broken ribs and a lot of bruising. Sorry but they had to call social services to look after Sam, as nobody knew where you were." Louis explained.

"I told Harry which hospital it was. Did he forget?"

"He has concussion. Has a massive cut on his head. He must've forgotten. Has the baby arrived?"

"Yes.... it's a girl! Gemma is fine, just exhausted, she's sleeping."

"Aww... congratulations to you both."

"Thanks Lou. Do you know where Sam is? They're not gonna take him away from us?"

"Oh god no. I think it was just cos there was only Harry looking after him, so..."

"Wait...he was alone with him? Where's Anna?"

"Harry said her Mum is really ill, she's gone to look after her."

"Oh right. Could you do me a favour and try and find out where he is and make sure he's ok please?"

"Of course. I'll call you if I find anything out. Take care, both of you."

"Thanks. Tell Harry I hope he's better soon, and not to worry."

Louis ended the call.

At 8am Louis went looking for Sam. He went to reception and asked the receptionist. He was asked to wait while she got the social worker.

He sat down in an office.

"So your brother is Sam's uncle?"

"Yes. I got in contact with Sam's Dad. He's desperate to know that Sam is ok."

"He's fine. He's been taken to a home, he's being well looked after."

"Thank god. His Mum just gave birth. When can he go back to them?" Louis asked, feeling relieved.

"As soon as the father comes here we can hand him back. We can see he's a happy, well looked after little boy. This was just an unfortunate accident."

"Thank you so much. I'll call his Dad now." He got his phone out and called Roman, who was so happy.


"Harry love. Are you ok?" Lucy asked as she entered Harry's room with Liam.

"I'm ok. Just got a bad headache and my ribs hurt. Doctor said I can go home soon." He said sadly.

"You sure you're ok? Everything is ok at home?"

"Yes. Oh yes everything is great Mum. Be glad when Anna comes home, just hope her Mum gets better soon." He was getting too good at lying.

"You shouldn't stay home alone though. I can come and stay with you til she gets back." Louis suggested.

"No!" Harry yelled. "I mean. No thanks. I'll be fine."

"Harry you can't be alone with a head injury. Come stay at mine then?" Louis said.

Harry didn't respond straight away. He thought if Louis was at theirs when she got back, that she would go crazy again, then god knows what she would do to him. At least if he was at Louis' then she couldn't do anything.

"Ok then. I'll come to yours." He gave in.


Harry was discharged three hours later.

Louis drove him home to collect some clothes and other bits. He helped Harry up the stairs to his bedroom.

That's when they both noticed the blood on the floor.

"Harry? Why's there blood down there? You fell downstairs."

Harry was dumbstruck.

"Uh...I don't know." He whispered.

"Harry look at me!" Louis said, sitting them both down on the bed.

Harry looked up at Louis, tears in both of their eyes.

"Tell me the truth love, please? Why is there blood in here?"

"I think I... I tripped in here and hit my head, I was going to get some pills and I fell down the stairs. Yes.. that's what happened. I remember now."

"Harry...is that the truth?"

"Yes Lou. That's the truth."

Damn...I thought Harry was gonna tell him the truth then.

Thoughts on this chapter?

That's it for today, I think four chapters in one day is pretty good going.

See you tomorrow

All the love 💞💞💞

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