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Two weeks later....

Valentine's Day had arrived and Harry was planning on taking Anna out tonight.

"So...where are you taking me?" Anna whispered in Harry's ear. "I've been looking forward to this all day."

"I thought that nice little Italian on the high street? Is that ok?"

"Yeah. It's got good reviews. I'm gonna go get ready. Could you unload the washing machine for me?"

Harry nodded, as Anna went upstairs. Harry had put the washing on a couple of hours ago. He'd never put his own washing on before.

He opened the door, placing the basket under it and started pulling the clothes out.

To his surprise, some of it had turned a pale shade of pink.

"Fuck!" He said to himself. "What happened?" He panicked a bit.

He pulled out the pink items and put them in a plastic bag, he took it up to the spare room and hid it in the wardrobe.

Back on the kitchen, he took the basket and put the clothes on the clothes airer.

Anna came down a bit later.

"I'm ready, you better hurry or they'll give our table away." She said. Harry smiled and went upstairs.

He had a shower and shave, got dressed and went back down.

Anna was waiting by the door. "Ready to go babe?"


They locked up the house, and Harry drove them to the restaurant.

They were sat at a table near the back. Candles were on the table, along with a single red rose.

"Thanks Harry. I love you so much."

Harry smiled and reached over, taking her hand and kissing it. "I love you too. You look beautiful tonight."

She smiled.

They ate their meal, making small talk. Harry wasn't very talkative though, which concerned Anna.

"Babe...is everything alright? You're very quiet." She asked.

"Oh...yes...just a bit tired. I'm fine, really." He replied.

"Ok. You will tell me if anything bothers you. I don't want you to ever keep anything from me."

"I promise." Harry said as they did a pinkie promise, making them both giggle.

After dessert, Harry paid and they headed back home.

They went to bed early, after they made love.


The next day...

"Harry! Have you seen my blouses? Didn't you wash them? I can't find them!" Anna shouted.

Harry was in the bathroom, worrying. It was her blouses that he accidentally dyed pink.

Anna now worked as a receptionist in the local.doctors surgery.

"Shit!" He mumbled to himself.

"HARRY! HELP ME FIND THEM!"  She yelled, sounding irate.

He heard her coming up the stairs and the bathroom door opened.

"Didn't you hear me? Did you wash my blouses? I can't find any of them."



"I kind of dyed them pink." He whispered.

"You did what?"

"I...I didn't see my red t shirt and it went on with the white stuff. I'm s-sorry."

"All of my blouses?"


"Oh my god! Why didn't you check? What am I gonna do now? I have to wear a white blouse to work! Fucking hell Harry!" She lost her temper.

She pulled her hand back and swung it, slapping Harry hard across his cheek.

Harry gasped and held his cheek, a tear escaping from his eye. He was frozen to the spot. Scared she would hit him again, but she just turned around and walked out the door, slamming it behind her.

"ARGH! FUCKING IDIOT!" he heard her screaming as she went downstairs. He heard the front door slam and the car engine start up.

Harry stood in shock. He turned to face the mirror and dropped his hand.

There was a big angry red mark across his cheek.

More tears fell from his eyes.

He splashed cold water on his cheek, which made it sting more.

He was due into work in half an hour. How was he going to explain this?


"There you are! You're a bit late Harry. You ok?" Olly asked as he wiped down a dirty table.

"Y-yeah sorry I... I couldn't find my shoes." He lied as he walked past to the staffroom.

He put his apron on and went back out the front.

"Shit... Harry! What happened?" Olly said looking at Harry's now bruised face.

"Umm...I walked into a door. It's fine. I'm fine. It doesn't h-hurt."

Olly didn't believe him. He'd always been protective over Harry, thinking of him as a little brother. They'd grown very close over the years.

"Are you sure that's what happened?"

"Yes!" He replied and went to serve a customer.

Olly definitely thought he was lying. But why? And what really did happen?


At 6pm, Harry was back home, cooking dinner.

Anna walked in and hung her coat up, taking her shoes off.

"What a day! Bloody busy non stop. I'm off for a bath." She didn't even acknowledge Harry, or even apologise for what happened earlier. He sighed as he put some rice on to boil.


"How was your day?" Anna asked as she ate the curry Harry spent ages cooking.


"That's good. Least if you're busy you won't lose your job."

What did she mean by that?

"W-why did you hit m-me?" He whispered.


"Why did you h-hit me?"

"You ruined my blouses Harry, I had to buy more on my way to work!"

"It hurt!"

"It wasn't that hard! Don't be a wimp!"

Harry got up and ran upstairs, going into the spare room. He was pleased he had that room now. His own little space.

He fell asleep, crying.

Uh oh!

This isn't good.

Any thoughts?

Hope you're enjoying the story so far?

All the love 💞💞💞

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