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April 2nd.....

"Are you sure you don't mind looking after Sam?" Gemma asked. "I know it's your day off, but he was begging to see you."

Harry smiled. He loved looking after his nephew.

"Course I don't mind." He said, picking up the little boy who immediately started playing with Harry's hair. "We'll have a great time, won't we?" Sam giggled.

"Oh thanks Harry. We shouldn't be too long. The midwife appointment is at 11, then we'll be straight back."

"Why don't you go for lunch or something after? I don't mind having him for a few hours." He offered.

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely! I can take him to the park if that's ok. Just let me know when you're on the way back."

Gemma hugged Harry and Sam. "You're an angel Harry. Thank you so much. See you later. Be a good boy Sam!" She waved and walked back to the car.

Sam and Harry waved back and walked indoors.

Harry put Sam down and went to the kitchen.

"Right young man...would you like a biscuit?"

Sam giggled and clapped his hands. "Yes please unky Hawwy."

Harry cooed at Sam's adorableness. He sat Sam on the counter and pulled out the biscuit box. "You choose..."

Sam looked at the selection and picked out a chocolate hobnob. "Thank you unky Hawwy." He said before nibbling at the biscuit.

"You're welcome." He picked Sam up and took him to the living room.

"So...shall we go to the park now, or watch some TV first?"

Sam looked up at Harry. "Park please." He replied, his fingers now covered in chocolate.

"Ok...think we need to wash your hands first. You better go for a wee too."

Sam nodded and ran up the stairs to the bathroom. He used the toilet then Harry helped him wash his hands.

Once they were at the front door, they put their coats on and Harry got his keys.


They arrived at the park ten minutes later. It was quiet, only a couple of other people were there with their children.

Harry pushed Sam on a swing. It reminded him of when Louis taught him how to swing. He smiled.

Sam was too young to learn how to do it himself, but he'd love to teach him when he's older.

Next, Harry sat Sam on his lap as they went down the slide together. "Wheeee..." They both yelled as they went down.

"Again! Again!" Sam squealed, making Harry laugh.

They went down the slide ten times. Each time they giggled, until Harry was crying with laughter. "Enough Sam! I'm tired." He laughed.

"Me too." Sam yawned, rubbing his eyes."

"Shall we go home then?" Sam nodded.

Harry carried Sam back to his house. By the time they got there, Sam was asleep in his arms.

They went inside and Harry carefully laid Sam on the sofa, placing a blanket gently over him.

While Sam slept, Harry made sandwiches for lunch for when Sam woke up. Then made himself a cup of tea.

At noon, Harry's phone rang. He picked it up and saw Roman's name on the screen.

"Hi Ro... everything alright?" He asked.

"Harry! Oh Harry!" He sounded panicked. "Gem has gone into labour!"

"What? Oh my god. Are you at the hospital?"

"Yes, she's on the labour ward now. Her waters broke when she was with the midwife. Could you keep Sam with you? I hate to ask."

"It's no problem. Keep me updated please. Tell her I love her. Good luck!" Harry was trying to keep his voice down so he didn't wake Sam up.

"Will do. Thank you so much Harry. I better get back to her. Bye."

Roman hung up.

Harry was excited. He was going to be an uncle again. He wondered how it must feel when your own wife or girlfriend goes into labour, because right now he feels elated.

He heard Sam moving. He sat next to him.

"Hey Sam. I have some news." He smiled. "Mummy is in hospital. She's having the baby today. Isn't that exciting?"

Sam's eyes lit up. He had been so happy since he found out he was going to be a big brother. He jumped up and wrapped his little arms around Harry's neck.

"Yay! Yay! Yay! Baby coming. Me be big bruvva!" He giggled.

"Yes, love. You're going to be the best big brother. Now listen... Daddy wants you to stay with me and Auntie Anna until he can pick you up. Is that ok with you?"

Sam kissed Harry's cheek. "Yes! Sleepover!"

"Maybe... we'll see what time Mummy has the baby." He hugged the little boy. He loved Sam so much.


There'd been no news all afternoon. Harry wasn't too worried as Gemma had a very long labour with Sam.

He was making dinner. Sam decided he wanted fish fingers, chips and baked beans, so Harry thought he'd make the same for himself.

He put on a shepherd's pie and vegetables for Anna. She was due home from work soon.

They sat, and ate, and laughed.

The front door then opened.

Anna walked into the kitchen.

"Oh...hello Sam." She said, glaring at Harry. Harry had totally forgotten to say that Sam would be staying.

"Can I have a word Harry?" She said, without getting a reply, she turned her back to him and went into the living room.

"You finish your drink and stay here Sam, I'll be back in a minute." Harry said, patting the boys head and going to where Anna was waiting for him.

"WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE?" she screamed in his face.


Sorry I didn't update yesterday. Busy day at work, late home, then too tired. Day off today, yippee!

Thoughts on this chapter?

I loved writing this. Harry would make a great Dad.

More later...
All the love 💞💞💞

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