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So... Harry's "Do" tweet...what does it mean? I think it's either the start of the title to his album or single, and he'll give us a word a day until it's all out there. Come on Harry, we need new music.

December 23rd....

Louis and Harry were visiting their parents.

"What's this?" Louis asked, taking the envelope that was handed to him from Lucy.

"Open it and you'll find out." She smiled. "It's for both of you."

Louis looked at Harry, who was smiling.

He opened the envelope and pulled out a sheet of paper.

They both read it.

"Oh my god! Are you serious?" Harry gasped, looking again to make sure.

"Oh wow! Thank you so much. This is amazing." Louis added, getting up to hug his parents.

"You're welcome. You both deserve a treat. Don't worry about missing Christmas dinner, we'll do a special one for new years eve for you." Lucy said, smiling widely.

The letter was confirmation of a booking to a hotel in the next county. There were also tickets for a nearby spa.

"I... I can't believe this. Thank you." Harry teared up, cuddling his Mum and Dad.

"We just thought you could do with a break, this place looks wonderful." Liam said.

"But...this says we go today?" Louis looked at the letter again.

"You better get packed then. We'll leave you to it. Enjoy yourselves. We love you so much." Lucy replied.

After they left, Louis and Harry raced upstairs and started packing. The break was for five nights.


They arrived at the hotel two hours later and were resting in their room.

"This is lovely isn't it Lou?" Harry asked, sleepily.

"Still can't believe they did this for us." Louis replied, placing the last of his clothes in the wardrobe.

He put their toiletries in the bathroom and went back to the bedroom.

He saw Harry had fallen asleep. This wasn't unusual. He often fell asleep in the afternoon, his medication hitting in.

He decided to let him sleep while he laid next to him and checked his phone.

He let Lucy know they'd arrived safely and said more thank yous and I love yous.

Later on, they decided to get room service, they were both too tired to go out. This was going to be a relaxing break.

So they ordered roast chicken, chips and salad, with chocolate fudge cake for dessert.

"Oh god Lou, this is so good!" Harry said through mouthfuls of chicken.

"Mmmmm....so good!" Louis agreed.

They finished their main meal and started on the chocolate cake. Deciding to feed each other, making more mess than eating it.

Harry's face was covered in chocolate, making Louis drool.

"You dirty boy, come here." He ordered pulling Harry towards him.

He pulled Harry's face closer and licked his chin, going up to his lips, licking all over them.

Harry felt a stirring in his sweatpants.

SHATTERED (Larry Stylinson)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora